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 mankind [mæn'kaind]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 人类, 男性

    [ noun ]
    all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
    all the world loves a lovershe always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women

    Mankind \Man"kind`\, a.
    Manlike; not womanly; masculine; bold; cruel. [Obs]

    Are women grown so mankind? Must they be wooing?
    --Beau. & Fl.

    Be not too mankind against your wife. --Chapman.

    mankind \man`kind"\, n. [AS. mancynn. See {Kin} kindred, {Kind},
    1. The human race; man, taken collectively.

    The proper study of mankind is man. --Pore.

    2. Men, as distinguished from women; the male portion of
    human race. --Lev. xviii. 22.

    3. Human feelings; humanity. [Obs] --B. Jonson.

    1. Architecture is, at its best, like any other fine art, concerned with the place of mankind in the world and of the world in the universe.
    2. Cancer continues to sink its claws deeper into mankind.
    3. Perhaps it is only by getting to grips with madness that we can come to terms with the dreadful deeds of mankind.
    4. Abernathy said Savimbi deserved U.S. support from "the black people of America and the world, and white people of goodwill and all mankind" in his effort to bring peace to Angola.
    5. "I leave office secure in the knowledge that these policies have worked, and confident that this great nation will continue to lead the way toward freedom and prosperity for all mankind," Reagan said.
    6. Mr. Fukuyama acknowledges the danger, but argues that liberal democracy nonetheless will best fulfill mankind's striving for respect.
    7. "It's been an international effort to benefit mankind," he said.
    8. Richard O. Covey: As we, the crew of Discovery, witness this earthly splendor from America's spacecraft, less than 200 miles separates us from the remainder of mankind.
    9. Steve Harris of Phoenix, Ariz., jetted in for tickets. "It's only once in a lifetime that you get to participate in the largest gambling action in the history of mankind," Harris said.
    10. From time to time the interviewers asked a question, in answer to which the ambassador discoursed freely about matters of high moment such as the Iraqi government's devotion to peace and freedom in the world, with justice for all mankind.
    11. Visiting Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze warned Tuesday that the ecological threat now facing mankind could be as dangerous as the nuclear arms race.
    12. To be sure, mankind today awaits new forms of cooperation and mutual assistance.
    13. Others argued, however, that the wealth of the Silk Road belongs to all mankind and that an international effort, such as that initiated by the Getty Foundation for the Buddhist grottoes at Dunhuang, is needed to prevent its destruction.
    14. And if there have been mistakes, which are the nature of mankind, God willing, they will be rectified by your guidance.
    15. When solar activity builds up, it amplifies the lights and makes our studies easier." It took centuries for mankind to discover that solar flares, tongues of fire that leap thousands of miles above the sun's surface, caused the lights.
    16. "The continued existence of apartheid in South Africa is a blot on the conscience of mankind," former President Jimmy Carter said. The award is presented by the Carter-Menil Foundation, named for Carter and Houston philanthropist Dominique de Menil.
    17. The suburbs, in contrast, offered "the best application of the arts of civilization to which mankind has yet obtained."
    18. "It is a sad commentary on the state of mankind at the end of the 20th century (that) the bulk of our vast productive energies is devoted to manufacturing our own destruction," Perez de Cuellar said.
    19. He also, though, begins to see that if the whole world is devastated, these women hold the key to the future of mankind.
    20. "We carried it for you and for the people of the Soviet Union. And we visited the moon in peace for all mankind," Irwin told Gorbachev.
    21. Genetics is his life's work, Collins says, because it best lets him serve mankind and because it's fun.
    22. April 24 The Kansas City (Mo.) Times on the rape-attack in Central Park: The savage assault on a young investment banker by a gang of teen-age thugs in New York's Central Park is a reminder of how slowly mankind becomes civilized.
    23. Nobody really knew those folks." Guns fell silent on several battlefronts in 1988, and hope emerged that mankind stood at the dawn of a more peaceful age.
    24. It follows the same guidelines, including Nobel's wish that the prize shall be awarded to those who have "conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." The Nobel physics and chemistry prizes are to be announced Wednesday.
    25. "Ensuring environmental security has become second only to eliminating the nuclear risk in the battle for the survival of mankind," said Petrovsky, who is attending the 43rd General Assembly.
    26. Sept. 1 The Herald, Everett, Wash., on war and peace: The European phase of World War II began 50 years ago, making it a half-century since the start of the most ghastly conflict mankind has ever seen.
    27. Sakharov contemptuously appraises nationalism as a sort of peripheral nuisance, which hinders the glorious advance of mankind, but is doomed shortly to disappear.
    28. "We need the intellectual resources of all mankind," Butler said. "We must have international cooperation." NASA has already received about 870 letters from scientific groups proposing experiments, he said.
    29. In 1981, lawmakers passed a law requiring schoolteachers who teach Darwin's theory of evolution to also teach "scientific creationism," an alternative theory that mankind was created and didn't evolve from lower animals.
    30. "In my justification-for-life moments, I can say I'm making the economic system more efficient and that helps mankind," he says.
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