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 manifest ['mænifest]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 载货单, 运货单, 旅客名单

a. 显然的, 明白的

vi. 显示, 出现

vt. 表明, 表现, 证明

[经] 舱单, 货物清单, 报关单

    [ noun ]
    1. a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane

    2. <noun.communication>
    [ verb ]
    1. provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes

    2. <verb.communication> attest certify demonstrate evidence
      His high fever attested to his illness
      The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
      This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness
    3. record in a ship's manifest

    4. <verb.communication>
      each passenger must be manifested
    5. reveal its presence or make an appearance

    6. <verb.change>
      the ghost manifests each year on the same day
    [ adj ]
    1. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

    2. <adj.all>
      the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields
      evident hostility
      manifest disapproval
      patent advantages
      made his meaning plain
      it is plain that he is no reactionary
      in plain view

    Manifest \Man"i*fest\, a. [F. manifeste, L. manifestus, lit.,
    struck by the hand, hence, palpable; manus hand + fendere (in
    comp.) to strike. See {Manual}, and {Defend}.]
    1. Evident to the senses, esp. to the sight; apparent;
    distinctly perceived; hence, obvious to the understanding;
    apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not
    obscure or hidden.

    Neither is there any creature that is not manifest
    in his sight. -- Heb. iv.

    That which may be known of God is manifest in them.
    --Rom. i. 19.

    Thus manifest to sight the god appeared. --Dryden.

    2. Detected; convicted; -- with of. [R.]

    Calistho there stood manifest of shame. --Dryden.

    Syn: Open; clear; apparent; evident; visible; conspicuous;
    plain; obvious.

    Usage: {Manifest}, {Clear}, {Plain}, {Obvious}, {Evident}.
    What is clear can be seen readily; what is obvious
    lies directly in our way, and necessarily arrests our
    attention; what is evident is seen so clearly as to
    remove doubt; what is manifest is very distinctly

    So clear, so shining, and so evident,
    That it will glimmer through a blind man's eye.

    Entertained with solitude,
    Where obvious duty erewhile appeared unsought.

    I saw, I saw him manifest in view,
    His voice, his figure, and his gesture knew.

    Manifest \Man"i*fest\, n.; pl. {Manifests}. [Cf. F. manifeste.
    See {Manifest}, a., and cf. {Manifesto}.]
    1. A public declaration; an open statement; a manifesto. See
    {Manifesto}. [Obs.]

    2. A list or invoice of a ship's cargo, containing a
    description by marks, numbers, etc., of each package of
    goods, to be exhibited at the customhouse; as, to inspect
    the ship's manifest. --Bouvier.

    Manifest \Man"i*fest\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Manifested}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Manifesting}.]
    1. To show plainly; to make to appear distinctly, -- usually
    to the mind; to put beyond question or doubt; to display;
    to exhibit.

    There is nothing hid which shall not be manifested.
    --Mark iv. 22.

    Thy life did manifest thou lovedst me not. --Shak.

    2. To exhibit the manifests or prepared invoices of; to
    declare at the customhouse.

    Syn: To reveal; declare; evince; make known; disclose;
    discover; display.

    1. "The federal magistrate in Reno said it would be a 'manifest injustice' if we didn't get those pages," the lawyer said.
    2. Some will cringe at the manifest intention to bribe the electorate.
    3. All this has had a manifest impact in the stock market, which has lately traded at its lowest levels since the spring of 1989. Dividend cuts and suspensions are distinctly unpopular in the world of big-time money management.
    4. It is the intangible psychological factors of morale, conflict and lack of commitment that the process consultant hopes to make manifest and explicit.
    5. Over the years, the league management has justified the fisticuffs and brawling by claiming that such activity serves as an outlet for temper and frustration that might otherwise manifest themselves in ugly stickwork.
    6. "This is a manifest abuse of power because arms are not in the hands of the military to impede the functioning of justice, but rather to assure the application of justice," the archbishop said in comments to journalists following the Mass.
    7. Yet the differences between them are manifest, and of the first importance to any direct experience, as much physical as imaginative, of the works themselves.
    8. The high court ruled 6-3 that federal law permits an employer to decide voluntarily to correct a "manifest imbalance" in the work force through an affirmative-action plan, as long as the rights of other workers aren't "unnecessarily trammeled."
    9. The appeals court said that in the California case there was a "manifest imbalance" between the number of women employed by the county in skilled craft positions and the number of women in the local labor pool of skilled craft workers.
    10. The determining influences are manifest, Cocteau, Arp, Gabo and Miro in particular.
    11. This concern is manifest in many forms, including a growing concern about the quality of American education.
    12. "The theory was that the leak would only manifest itself in the super-cold conditions of liquid hydrogen and that has been the case," he said.
    13. When Japan was running its huge balance of payments surpluses in the late 1980s, the financial sector weakness soon became manifest.
    14. For U.S. consumption, the boat's manifest includes notations from Adam Smith, the Scottish economist who penned "The Wealth of Nations."
    15. The flight manifest showed that 17 of the passengers were from Sawyer and the two others boarded at Dyess, said Master Sgt. Al Doster, another Dyess spokesman.
    16. With the passive attitude of the world, they manifest in a very bold way, their attachment to the ideas of freedom and self-determination of nations, ideas embodied in the constitutions of all democratic nations," Walesa wrote.
    17. The town's collective grief was manifest at the two funerals on Saturday and the five others Monday.
    18. The flight manifest showed that 17 of those on board were from Sawyer Air Force Base and the other two boarded at Dyess, Master Sgt. Al Dostal at Dyess said.
    19. But he said it must be considered given the city's manifest failure to provide basic services.
    20. Japan is not alone in having corrupt politicians, and its system has produced manifest success.
    21. "They aren't telling us anything," said one middle-aged Chinese man. "It's been 16 hours and still they tell us nothing." Chinese authorities released a manifest of the Boeing 737's passengers this afternoon.
    22. This is his manifest belief that, as a result of the IRA bombings, the British have become more anti-Irish than ever.
    23. This time, she said, the bad karma could manifest itself in economic collapse, nuclear war or accident, plague or massive earthquakes.
    24. There is a limited elasticity of demand for additional gambling and gaming products in Britain.' Mr Ivan Lawrence, Conservative MP for Burton and sponsor of today's bill, described Mr McFadden's argument as 'manifest nonsense'.
    25. It was sufficient, Judge Meskill said, to find that the Big Board arbitration panel hadn't acted in "manifest disregard of the law," and in such case to defer to the Big Board's judgment.
    26. There were no marks or numbers on the cargo, which was not listed on the flight manifest.
    27. Despite the manifest sincerity of this latest tribute, Sayers is still seeking her biographer.
    28. Given its manifest destiny as a utility, one wonders why Welsh Water struggles so vainly to become anything else.
    29. For a time the personal respect and affection of the then President Ronald Reagan for the then Mrs Margaret Thatcher did something to offset the manifest inequality between their two countries.
    30. He said that ill effects from new carpets manifest themselves immediately but that the Beebes' symptoms appeared months later.
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