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 males 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 壮丁

  1. A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season, especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males.
  2. Adult males considered as a group; men.

  1. The 18 males and 12 females, ranging in age from 13 to 43, received their new kidneys as far back as 1975.
  2. Of the men reporting sex in the previous year, 3 percent said their partners included males and another 6 percent didn't answer the question.
  3. Female visitors to the park outnumbered males nearly 2-to-1 last year.
  4. Yet "if you expel more black males from some school than, say, Asian females, that becomes a court case, with the ACLU intervening."
  5. Female executives also are more flexible than males.
  6. Full-time employment fell 43,600 in February, with drops of 35,600 for males and 8,000 for females.
  7. The resignation of a popular state representative as head of the powerful Minnesota House Appropriations Committee after pleading guilty to charges stemming from his solicitation of males for sex.
  8. An unpleasant-looking crowd of white males in a gun store stands around looking for all the world like a mob gathered for a lynching, which is, of course, precisely the way they were intended to look.
  9. The greatest increase among males was between the ages of 6 and 11, and the biggest among females was in those aged 12 to 17. Obesity was less prevalent among blacks than whites, but that gap has narrowed recently, he said.
  10. In the world of plants, males are pollen-producing, females are seed-producing.
  11. But, if lucky, a shooter with one blast can knock out the female and a half-dozen males tagging along.
  12. Men with the AIDS virus have AIDS-free sperm, raising the possibility that infected males may be able to father children through artificial insemination without passing the disease to the fetus, researchers say.
  13. The high court struck down contract guarantees for minority firms and made it tougher to prove bias in the workplace, while making it easier for white males to contest affirmative action.
  14. A spokeswoman said between 20 and 30 healthy males, between the ages of 20 and 60, will be involved in the trial.
  15. Meanwhile, 56 percent of the cases reported in the first half of this year were among homosexual or bisexual males, compared with 63 percent before 1985.
  16. The bureau estimates that more than half of the missing persons, 1.7 million, were black males.
  17. One of every 25 working eligible-age (18-44) white males is in the service, but one out of every 12 working black males of that age, Mr. Dorn says.
  18. One of every 25 working eligible-age (18-44) white males is in the service, but one out of every 12 working black males of that age, Mr. Dorn says.
  19. Compared with males, female arrestees show as high or higher multiple drug use in every section of the country.
  20. The 1988 homicide rate for black males 15-19 was 76.8, up 99 percent since 1984.
  21. "It raises some eyebrows when men come into a field like this, like male nurse," Lord added. "We've tried males before, they're uncomfortable about being the only male in the class.
  22. She said previous indications were that Americans males of that age were exempted by Iraqi authorities along with those under 18.
  23. Black males, on average, spent 8 years in a one-parent situation, and received 0.6 year less schooling than those who spent their entire childhood in a two-parent home.
  24. But several students estimated that more than 10 percent of Harvard's undergraduate males belong.
  25. Heart disease has long been considered mainly a malady of men, partly because it strikes men earlier in life than women, and because males suffer more heart attacks than females.
  26. The campaign of former GOP Gov. Pete du Pont of Delaware has a 100% record: All of the top staffers are white males.
  27. Farm people not only keep getting fewer in numbers each year, they are older, include more males than females and are more likely to live in the Midwest than they once were, says a new government study.
  28. Buyers typically are males in their early 40s.
  29. It is also measured by the ratio of those in the middle to those who are 90 per cent of the way down. Almost every country has shown an increase in the ratio of top to median earnings, especially among males.
  30. In general, he says, the dominant birds tend to be males, which are larger than females.
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