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 machete [mә'tʃeiti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 大砍刀

[化] 马歇特; 丁草胺

    [ noun ]
    a large heavy knife used in Central and South America as a weapon or for cutting vegetation

    Machete \Ma*che"te\ (m[.a]*sh[e^]t"[-e]; Sp.
    m[.a]*ch[=a]"t[asl]), n. [Sp.]
    A large heavy knife resembling a broadsword, often two or
    three feet in length, -- used by the inhabitants of Spanish
    America as a hatchet to cut their way through thickets, and
    for various other purposes. --J. Stevens.

    Syn: matchet.

    matchet \matchet\ n.
    a large heavy knife used in Central and South America as a
    weapon or for cutting vegetation; usually called {machete}.

    Syn: machete, panga.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Mr. Chandler has only nine months before his retirement to turn things around, a time pressure that could explain his resort to machete dramatics at meetings.
    2. At Korir's trial in the western town of Nakuru, state counsel Horace Okumu described the exorcism rite: "The churchman asked for a panga (machete knife), cut open (her) chest and removed the lungs.
    3. He is a fugitive drug dealer and we want to see him brought to justice." Noriega's pockmarked face, brandished machete and defiance of his own countrymen when they voted for his opponents all add to the image of the prototype dictator.
    4. Both were killed by machete chops to the back of the head, said Jose Degadillo, an employee at Funerales Rosario.
    5. Gearing is a double-edged machete.
    6. "This is the machete of Panamanian dignity, of Panamanian valor," Noriega shouted and the audience chanted, "Not one step back!" "There can be no national or international dialogue, unless the popular forces negotate their own security.
    7. Paul shows up, struggles with Jason, and Ginny slices up the "dead" boy's body with the machete.
    8. "Garcia brought the knife and the machete for the sole purpose of killing the mother," he said.
    9. At a news conference on Sunday he discussed the slayings and said he watched earlier this year as Mark Kilroy, 21, a University of Texas premedical student, was killed with a machete chop to the head and his spinal column removed for a necklace.
    10. Xoun, an old man who stays home from the rice paddies to watch the children of Ban Dong Nai, used a machete to uncover unexploded 250- and 500-pound bombs.
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