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 luminous ['lu:minәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 发光的, 明亮的

[医] 发光的

    [ adj ]
    softly bright or radiant
    a house aglow with lightsglowing embers
    lambent tongues of flame
    the lucent moon
    a sky luminous with stars

    Luminous \Lu"mi*nous\, a. [L. luminosus, fr. lumen light: cf. F.
    lumineux. See {Luminary}, {Illuminate}.]
    1. Shining; emitting or reflecting light; brilliant; bright;
    as, the is a luminous body; a luminous color.

    Fire burneth wood, making it . . . luminous.

    The mountains lift . . . their lofty and luminous
    heads. --Longfellow.

    2. Illuminated; full of light; bright; as, many candles made
    the room luminous.

    Up the staircase moved a luminous space in the
    darkness. --Longfellow.

    3. Enlightened; intelligent; also, clear; intelligible; as, a
    luminous mind. `` Luminous eloquence.'' --Macaulay. `` A
    luminous statement.'' --Brougham.

    {Luminous paint}, a paint made up with some phosphorescent
    substance, as sulphide of calcium, which after exposure to
    a strong light is luminous in the dark for a time.

    Syn: Lucid; clear; shining; perspicuous.
    -- {Lu"mi*nous*ly}, adv. --
    {Lu"mi*nous*ness}, n.

    1. As he later says to one woman who let him into her home, "You let me use all the parts of myself that night." Stockard Channing gives a luminous performance as Ouisa, one of Paul's hostesses.
    2. (He tries to vault the table, and fails.) When Solveig (Catherine White) arrives, quiet and soft-spoken with haunting Meryl Streep cheekbones, she is shyly luminous.
    3. Those who drop rubbish are liable not only to heavy fines but also to being dressed in luminous litterbug jackets and paraded in front of television cameras. Singapore has some of the world's toughest anti-smoking laws.
    4. He says witnesses have told of a vortex that gives off a humming sound "like the sound you get from electric power lines," and it is luminous at night.
    5. Commercial uses include the manufacture of luminous lights and biological and energy research.
    6. There's the odd flashlight fish, with a sac of luminous bacteria it uses to signal others in its school or to see food at night.
    7. By bringing in ample daylight from above, Mr. Beeby has created a pale, pristine, luminous central space (although someone might want to rethink the fussy greenery that is sprouting from little planters at the lower level).
    8. Of course the don wants no part of Spike, who is exiled from Bensonhurst (in Brooklyn) and he impregnates a pal's sister _ the achingly lovely Talisa Soto, whose luminous beauty is utterly wasted here.
    9. Almost every hole is marked by the vivid shapes and luminous bark of cork trees. The course swoops both uphill and down and offers splendid views of the Andalucian countryside.
    10. Richard picked up a squirming millipede and squashed it, his hand glowing from a luminous secretion. The caves are vast, but huge caverns like the Sarawak Chamber are only accessible to serious cavers.
    11. In fact, it was Mr. Steinberg's luminous descriptions that left one slightly disappointed with the performance, which was capable but not poetic.
    12. I HAVE kept a low profile this week, mainly from a desire to avoid the luminous and exhausting presence of my executive assistant, Miss Lee.
    13. When they open, the effect is all white, luminous across a lawn when dusk descends on a bank holiday. I have clipped eight bushes of this variety into tall, upright shapes by trimming them after flowering.
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