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 lumber ['lʌmbә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 木材, 破旧家俱, 废物, 隆隆声

vt. 砍伐木材, 乱堆

vi. 笨拙地移动, 喧闹地向前走, 隆隆地移动

[经] 木材, 破旧家俱

    [ noun ]
    1. the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material

    2. <noun.substance>
    3. an implement used in baseball by the batter

    4. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. move heavily or clumsily

    2. <verb.motion> pound
      The heavy man lumbered across the room
    3. cut lumber, as in woods and forests

    4. <verb.contact>

    Lumber \Lum"ber\, n. [Prob. fr. Lombard, the Lombards being the
    money lenders and pawnbrokers of the Middle Ages. A lumber
    room was, according to Trench, originally a Lombard room, or
    room where the Lombard pawnbroker stored his pledges. See
    1. A pawnbroker's shop, or room for storing articles put in
    pawn; hence, a pledge, or pawn. [Obs.]

    They put all the little plate they had in the
    lumber, which is pawning it, till the ships came.
    --Lady Murray.

    2. Old or refuse household stuff; things cumbrous, or bulky
    and useless, or of small value.

    3. Timber sawed or split into the form of beams, joists,
    boards, planks, staves, hoops, etc.; esp., that which is
    smaller than heavy timber. [U.S.]

    {Lumber kiln}, a room in which timber or lumber is dried by
    artificial heat. [U.S.]

    {Lumber room}, a room in which unused furniture or other
    lumber is kept. [U.S.]

    {Lumber wagon}, a heavy rough wagon, without springs, used
    for general farmwork, etc.

    {dimensional lumber}, lumber, usually of pine, which is sold
    as beams or planks having a specified nominal
    cross-section, usually in inches, such a two-by-four,
    two-by-six, four-by-four, etc.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    Lumber \Lum"ber\, v. i.
    1. To move heavily, as if burdened.

    2. [Cf. dial. Sw. lomra to resound.] To make a sound as if
    moving heavily or clumsily; to rumble. --Cowper.

    3. To cut logs in the forest, or prepare timber for market.

    Lumber \Lum"ber\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lumbered}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Lumbering}.]
    1. To heap together in disorder. `` Stuff lumbered
    together.'' --Rymer.

    2. To fill or encumber with lumber; as, to lumber up a room.

    1. T. Marshall Hahn Jr., chairman and chief executive officer, said the company's overall business was sound, reflecting healthy demand for pulp and paper products, but he said earnings were affected by weak plywood and lumber prices.
    2. California produces about three billion to four billion board-feet of timber each year, ranking it about even with Washington and behind only Oregon among the nation's lumber producers.
    3. A lumber company has agreed to stop clear-cutting ancient redwood stands, but the decision drew mixed reviews from environmentalists and politicians.
    4. The lumber was on the ninth car from the end of a 95-car train.
    5. Let us start with this Stothard creature and take it from there.' THE WORLD of art-critical jargon today resembles one of those surreal lumber rooms in a Giorgio Di Chirico painting.
    6. Among the barriers Japan has imposed is a 20 percent tariff on laminated lumber products, such as plywood.
    7. In addition to environmentalists and other "southerners," the battle involves sawmill operators and forest product companies, eager to preserve precedents of access to lumber supplies, and an Indian tribe trying to assert a land claim.
    8. Another reason: strikes, both at Georgia-Pacific and other lumber companies also cut supplies and raised prices, analysts said.
    9. This reasoning has helped trigger rallies in lumber at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and in various metals, including aluminum, copper, zinc and nickel.
    10. Directors later killed the stock-option plan, but the retreat failed to pacify dissidents, as Fibreboard's fortunes sank along with those of the lumber industry.
    11. In timberlands and forest products operations, the company said prices for logs, lumber and plywood improved and its engineered fiber panels and building materials segments did significantly better.
    12. Champion cited significant price increases for lumber and plywood and timber shortages for the improvement.
    13. Temple-Inland is a lumber, paper and building products maker.
    14. The recession states _ associated with minerals, heavy industry, farming, oil and lumber _ knew they were in recession, he said.
    15. Demand picked up during this year's second quarter, boosting prices for logs, lumber and plywood between 6% and 12% from the previous quarter, Mr. Holley said in an interview.
    16. The company said the sector benefited from the relative strength of new-housing construction and significant improvement in lumber and particleboard operations.
    17. One reason Weyerhaeuser sought wage concessions, Mr. Michaelis comments, "was to be able to compete more effectively against Canadian lumber imports."
    18. Prices for lumber are expected to recover as recently announced home-buying incentives in the U.S. and Canada begin to take effect, but the recovery of pulp and paper prices is expected to lag behind.
    19. In the early 1960s, when developers began razing Rosslyn's taverns, pawn shops and decaying homes, William P. Ames decided to build a hotel on part of his lumber yard and donate another parcel for a church in his father's memory.
    20. Authorities said Crookshank, a former Nebraska school principal who managed a lumber company, refused to respond to their orders to halt as he ran toward them from the restaurant.
    21. Fletcher Challenge Canada is considering selling outright certain wood-products mills in British Columbia and its 45% interest in a Quebec pulp and lumber concern.
    22. Mr. Baker also said the sale of the lumber unit will reduce the company's vulnerability to the cyclical housing market.
    23. Prices for intermediate goods further back in the production chain _ items such as plastic parts, cement, paints, fertilizers, lumber and chemicals _ also were flat in October but 5.3 percent higher than a year earlier.
    24. Bohemia, a lumber and plywood manufactuer, had been the subject of takeover speculation over the past several days, which drove its share price up 1 3/4 Tuesday and 1 1/2 on Monday.
    25. Canada is confident that the same thing will happen in the softwood lumber matter.
    26. Among the companies that have made bids for the Donohue stake are: Quebecor Inc., a Montreal-based newspaper publisher; Normick Perron Inc., a lumber producer based in La Sarre, Quebec; and a group formed by Donohue's management.
    27. Also contributing to the buoyancy has been the recent strength in oil and lumber, he added. Commodity prices began creeping higher in late December, after the Federal Reserve made its big cut in interest rates, Mr. Murphy noted.
    28. Ply-Gem, a maker and distributor of home improvement specialty products such as vinyl siding and windows, decorator paneling and fire-retardant lumber, reported 1987 revenues of $313 million. Wolverine had revenues of $111 million for 1987.
    29. Canada alleges that Japan discriminates against Canadian lumber exports by assessing an 8% tariff on Canadian spruce, pine and fir, while exports of similar species from the U.S. are allowed to enter duty-free.
    30. Japan and the United States ended three days of talks Monday on wood products trade without an agreement on increasing U.S. lumber exports to Japan, officials said.
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