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 lodge [lɒdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小屋, 门房, 支部, 旅舍, 分会

vi. 临时住宿, 倒伏, 寄宿, 投宿

vt. 安顿, 容纳, 提出, 把...射入, 存放

[经] 存放

    [ noun ]
    1. English physicist who studied electromagnetic radiation and was a pioneer of radiotelegraphy (1851-1940)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a formal association of people with similar interests

    4. <noun.group>
      he joined a golf club
      they formed a small lunch society
      men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today
    5. small house at the entrance to the grounds of a country mansion; usually occupied by a gatekeeper or gardener

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter

    8. <noun.artifact>
    9. any of various Native American dwellings

    10. <noun.artifact>
    11. a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers

    12. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. be a lodger; stay temporarily

    2. <verb.stative>
      Where are you lodging in Paris?
    3. put, fix, force, or implant

    4. <verb.contact> deposit stick wedge
      lodge a bullet in the table
      stick your thumb in the crack
    5. file a formal charge against

    6. <verb.communication>
      charge file
      The suspect was charged with murdering his wife
    7. provide housing for

    8. <verb.stative>
      We are lodging three foreign students this semester

    Lodge \Lodge\ (l[o^]j), n. [OE. loge, logge, F. loge, LL. laubia
    porch, gallery, fr. OHG. louba, G. laube, arbor, bower, fr.
    lab foliage. See {Leaf}, and cf. {Lobby}, {Loggia}.]
    1. A shelter in which one may rest; as:
    (a) A shed; a rude cabin; a hut; as, an Indian's lodge.

    Their lodges and their tentis up they gan bigge
    [to build]. --Robert of

    O for a lodge in some vast wilderness! --Cowper.
    (b) A small dwelling house, as for a gamekeeper or
    gatekeeper of an estate. --Shak.
    (c) A den or cave.
    (d) The meeting room of an association; hence, the
    regularly constituted body of members which meets
    there; as, a masonic lodge.
    (c) The chamber of an abbot, prior, or head of a college.

    2. (Mining) The space at the mouth of a level next the shaft,
    widened to permit wagons to pass, or ore to be deposited
    for hoisting; -- called also {platt}. --Raymond.

    3. A collection of objects lodged together.

    The Maldives, a famous lodge of islands. --De Foe.

    4. A family of North American Indians, or the persons who
    usually occupy an Indian lodge, -- as a unit of
    enumeration, reckoned from four to six persons; as, the
    tribe consists of about two hundred lodges, that is, of
    about a thousand individuals.

    {Lodge gate}, a park gate, or entrance gate, near the lodge.
    See {Lodge}, n., 1
    (b) .

    Lodge \Lodge\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Lodged} (l[o^]jd); p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Lodging} (l[o^]j"[i^]ng).]
    1. To rest or remain a lodge house, or other shelter; to
    rest; to stay; to abide; esp., to sleep at night; as, to
    lodge in York Street. --Chaucer.

    Stay and lodge by me this night. --Shak.

    Something holy lodges in that breast. --Milton.

    2. To fall or lie down, as grass or grain, when overgrown or
    beaten down by the wind. --Mortimer.

    3. To come to a rest; to stop and remain; to become stuck or
    caught; as, the bullet lodged in the bark of a tree; a
    piece of meat lodged in his throat.

    Lodge \Lodge\, v. t. [OE. loggen, OF. logier, F. loger. See
    {Lodge}, n. ]
    1. To give shelter or rest to; especially, to furnish a
    sleeping place for; to harbor; to shelter; hence, to
    receive; to hold.

    Every house was proud to lodge a knight. --Dryden.

    The memory can lodge a greater store of images than
    all the senses can present at one time. --Cheyne.

    2. To drive to shelter; to track to covert.

    The deer is lodged; I have tracked her to her
    covert. --Addison.

    3. To deposit for keeping or preservation; as, the men lodged
    their arms in the arsenal.

    4. To cause to stop or rest in; to implant.

    He lodged an arrow in a tender breast. --Addison.

    5. To lay down; to prostrate.

    Though bladed corn be lodged, and trees blown down.

    6. To present or bring (information, a complaint) before a
    court or other authority; as, to lodge a complaint.

    {To lodge an information}, to enter a formal complaint.

    1. It might not have been necessary for Marc Rich to lodge an alternative defence on the merits on October 1988, but the pleading made it abundantly clear that the primary purpose of the document was to challenge the jurisdiction.
    2. Radon is a radioactive gas emitted in some degree by all soils. It quickly decays into other substances, but its decay products are also radioactive and can lodge in the lung, irradiating the tissue for a lifetime.
    3. Among the groups believed to have been involved were the Mafia, the notorious P2 masonic lodge and the Vatican, through its own financial institution.
    4. The price was denounced as extortion by the lodge, by the leftist Farmer Workers' Party and by Brendan McMahon, a member of the Fine Gael Anti-Communist League in Southern Ireland.
    5. Last week, the Foreign Ministry in Paris summoned Romania's ambassador to France, Petre Gigea, to lodge a formal complaint about human rights abuses and to demand that Romania stop harassing dissidents.
    6. Fazzie, Jack and four colleagues were released today from St. Albans Prison in Port Elizabeth, ending speculation that the government might lodge treason charges against them.
    7. Finally, the royals and their guests are tracked to a hunting lodge, where they are having lunch.
    8. "We have a wind emergency plan and people were taken to safe areas, such as the hotel and the main lodge building," Smith said.
    9. I own my house but lodge during the week with my mother because her home is closer to my place of work.
    10. And it would be authorized to lodge charges if it finds "reasonable cause" to believe that discrimination may have occurred.
    11. For years some scientists have suspected that because long, thin glass fibers are roughly the same size and shape as those of asbestos, they too could lodge in the lungs and perhaps raise a person's odds of developing cancer.
    12. In Alaska, a luxurious fly-in fishing lodge which can accommodate 20 guests in the King Salmon area is listed for about $2 million.
    13. "I very much would like to see a compromise struck with the Elks lodge.
    14. Under community pressure, the Lompoc lodge and others in Santa Barbara County passed a resolution to urge the national Grand Lodge to change voting procedures to a two-thirds majority.
    15. Protests over the tax grew after a Pennsylvania Elks lodge got a $9,776 bill last year for 49 years of non-payment.
    16. When former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a Social Democrat, visited Mr. Honecker in 1980, they met in a lodge on Lake Werbellin, outside Berlin's borders.
    17. Ms. Munday suffered a gash on her forehead and was arrested when she tried to lodge a complaint about the attack.
    18. "One might work its way down into the lungs and lodge there," says Jan Strasma, the NRC spokesman.
    19. He said if the matter was true he would have the government lodge an official protest with the Japanese Foreign Ministry.
    20. "We hereby express our profound regret and lodge a strong protest and will closely follow further developments," Zhu was quoted as saying.
    21. Protests over the tax had grown after a Pennsylvania Elks lodge got a $9,000 bill for 50 years of non-payment.
    22. Heart attacks usually occur when clots lodge in the arteries feeding the heart and deprive the heart muscle of blood.
    23. The company also has a resort on Drummond Island in Michigan's Upper Peninsula where employees and other guests are housed in a Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired lodge and entertained on the 173-foot schooner Domino Effect.
    24. Queries lodge in your head like fish-hooks.
    25. Some handicapped vacationers show up doubting they can handle the lodge's activities.
    26. Cal Neva Lodge Inc., for allegedly improper handling and disposal of 5,000 square feet of asbestos involving the renovation of the entrance of a casino and lodge in 1989.
    27. More than 600 visitors were evacuated from the campgrounds, lodge and cabins at Fort Robinson State Park because of the shifting wind and smoke, although authorities said there was no immediate danger to the tourist facilities, said Rotherham.
    28. The foreign ministers began their final talks at a Rocky Mountain lodge today, with expectations high that they would set a target date for a summit between Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
    29. The lodge settled for less than one-tenth that amount after saying it had not been open and functioning for part of the period for which it was charged.
    30. The lodge convinced bureau officials it had been shut down for a while and had lost all of its records as the result of a 1972 flood.
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