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 lock stitch 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The sample room is equipped with industrial power machines: there are lock stitch, overlock, zigzag machines, etc.
  2. The Upper &Lower feed lock Stitch sewing machine GC0328-1 was classified the state level product in the year of 2000.
  3. It is also called as the polyster draw textured yarn and lock stitch which will make your finished products more beautiful.

Lock stitch \Lock" stitch`\n.
A peculiar sort of stitch formed by the locking of two
threads together, as in the work done by some sewing
machines. See {Stitch}.

Stitch \Stitch\, n. [OE. stiche, AS. stice a pricking, akin to
stician to prick. See {Stick}, v. i.]
1. A single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of
the thread thus made.

2. A single turn of the thread round a needle in knitting; a
link, or loop, of yarn; as, to let down, or drop, a
stitch; to take up a stitch.

3. [Cf. OE. sticche, stecche, stucche, a piece, AS. stycce.
Cf. {Stock}.] A space of work taken up, or gone over, in a
single pass of the needle; hence, by extension, any space
passed over; distance.

You have gone a good stitch. --Bunyan.

In Syria the husbandmen go lightly over with their
plow, and take no deep stitch in making their
furrows. --Holland.

4. A local sharp pain; an acute pain, like the piercing of a
needle; as, a stitch in the side.

He was taken with a cold and with stitches, which
was, indeed, a pleurisy. --Bp. Burnet.

5. A contortion, or twist. [Obs.]

If you talk,
Or pull your face into a stitch again,
I shall be angry. --Marston.

6. Any least part of a fabric or dress; as, to wet every
stitch of clothes. [Colloq.]

7. A furrow. --Chapman.

8. An arrangement of stitches, or method of stitching in some
particular way or style; as, cross-stitch; herringbone
stitch, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{Chain stitch}, {Lock stitch}. See in the Vocabulary.

{Pearl stitch}, or {Purl stitch}. See 2nd {Purl}, 2.

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