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 lithium ['liθiәm]   添加此单词到默认生词本

[化] 锂Li

[医] 锂(3号元素)

    [ noun ]
    a soft silver-white univalent element of the alkali metal group; the lightest metal known; occurs in several minerals

    Lithium \Lith"i*um\ (l[i^]th"[i^]*[u^]m), n. [NL., from Gr.
    li`qeios of stone, fr. li`qos stone.] (Chem.)
    A metallic element of the alkaline group, occurring in
    several minerals, as petalite, spodumene, lepidolite,
    triphylite, etc., and otherwise widely disseminated, though
    in small quantities.

    Note: When isolated it is a soft, silver white metal,
    tarnishing and oxidizing very rapidly in the air. It is
    the lightest solid element known, specific gravity
    being 0.59. Symbol Li. Atomic weight 7.0 So called from
    having been discovered in a mineral.

    1. It was not known if the embassy's statement was related to the lithium hydride deal, it said.
    2. Eveready Battery Co., aiming to jolt the consumer battery competition, said it developed the first AA 1.5-volt lithium battery for consumer use.
    3. When Kodak entered the consumer battery business four years ago, it bragged that its Ultralife lithium battery had a 10-year shelf life and would last twice as long as its alkaline counterparts.
    4. The company's lithium business, however, has bucked the downward trend in other businesses.
    5. Battery consultant Sumner Wolsky, a former Duracell vice president, says that if the nine-volt lithium battery catches on, "you can expect Eveready and Duracell to follow."
    6. But she agreed with Mr. Mulheren's attorneys that his conduct seemed "highly aberrational" and may have been influenced by his failure to take lithium to control his manic-depressive condition.
    7. Hundreds of eggs were injected with a lithium chloride solution, which made mongooses "barf in their den," says Mr. Keith.
    8. The news prompted Black & Decker Corp. to announce immediate plans Friday to stop selling mini-flashlights that were designed to exclusively use Kodak's 9-volt lithium batteries.
    9. The rest will be earmarked to replace obsolete equipment and expand capacity of such products as lithium batteries, which were introduced last spring but have yet to reach retailers' shelves.
    10. Bush also participated in a demonstration of how starlight is analyzed, touching liquid lithium to a flame to turn the flame red. "It's kind of fun," Bush said.
    11. A self-confessed manic-depressive who takes lithium to control his problem, Mr. Mulheren is well liked by many on Wall Street and counts rock star Bruce Springsteen among his close friends.
    12. He said recent sales data for the lithium and ferrosilicon operations weren't immediately available.
    13. The report said the specifications of some of the questionable tubes could not be determined because Du Pont's records were out-of-date and gave conflicting accounts of how much enriched uranium and lithium were in the tubes.
    14. The device also costs more _ about $6,000 compared with its $4,500 lithium counterpart.
    15. Twenty-four canisters filled with barium, lithium and other chemicals will be ejected from the satellite over the next year. The released chemicals will be ionized by the sun's ultraviolet rays, creating glowing clouds about 60 miles in diameter.
    16. All lithium battery ads have been put on hold.
    17. Retailers say they aren't overwhelmed by Kodak's lithium entry.
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