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 linked   添加此单词到默认生词本

连接的, 显示连环遗传的

    [ adj ]
    connected by a link, as railway cars or trailer trucks

    Link \Link\ (l[i^][ng]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Linked}
    (l[i^][ng]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Linking}.]
    To connect or unite with a link or as with a link; to join;
    to attach; to unite; to couple.

    All the tribes and nations that composed it [the Roman
    Empire] were linked together, not only by the same laws
    and the same government, but by all the facilities of
    commodious intercourse, and of frequent communication.

    linked \linked\ (l[i^][ng]kt), a.

    1. Associated.

    2. (Genetics) Exhibiting {linkage}[5].

    3. Having a connection.

    1. After reports earlier this year linked the apple pesticide Alar to cancer risks in children, supermarkets had to act "to head off a flap," he says.
    2. This domestic morass also has become linked to the beginnings of a foreign-policy problem.
    3. A mysterious man linked to the Medellin cocaine cartel acknowledged he forged millions of dollars in greenbacks and passed thousands along the U.S.-Mexico border, a top law enforcement official said Tuesday.
    4. In the only other U.S. death linked to the guerrilla fight, a Texas woman was among seven passengers killed and 28 wounded when guerrillas bombed a tourist train heading for the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu in June 1986.
    5. Western European and Japanese leaders hailed Moscow's plan, but noted that any pact should be verifiable and linked to cuts in conventional forces.
    6. Police have linked the renewed tension in Jerusalem to the latest leaflet put out by Palestinian leaders.
    7. Shiseido Co., Japan's leading cosmetics maker, says its Australian and Singapore subsidiaries are recalling six skin care products containing an acid that one Australian researcher linked to skin cancer.
    8. Bilak, 71, is a party ideologist linked to the late Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev and was believed to oppose economic reforms favored by Lubomir Strougal, the premier who resigned in October.
    9. Current thinking in Whitehall is that it should be possible, when the Maastricht treaty is revised in 1996, to endow the EU with a common defence policy explicitly linked to the Atlantic alliance.
    10. It was not immediately known whether he was linked to the planned escape.
    11. Police said Roda may be charged with sedition and other offenses linked to the violence.
    12. West Germany's drug dealers are linked to an international network stretching from the Far East to North America, law officials say.
    13. The Food and Drug Administration will hold a hearing next week to review continuing reports that a widely used prescription acne drug is linked to birth defects.
    14. The soybean market opened with a burst of buying linked partly to new export sales of the commodity and partly to lingering bullishness from the previous session.
    15. Minnesota officials said Monday the outbreak of salmonella javiana was definitely linked to tomatoes.
    16. Small farmers will continue to be expelled from their land." His commission is linked with the Roman Catholic Church.
    17. "Indications are that this is linked to the other seven and we do in fact have our eighth victim in the highway murders," said Jim Martin, a spokesman for the district attorney.
    18. Inco said it also planned to make an unusual rights offering to common holders for about $265 million of debentures with interest rates linked to nickel prices.
    19. Those protests were linked to a continuing abortion protest in Atlanta that began when the Democratic National Convention was held there in July and has resulted in 1,200 arrests.
    20. Zurich authorities also indefinitely extended the freeze on assets believed to be linked to Mr. Marcos and his associates.
    21. He has not, and may not, declare his support for any party. The main reformist parties are all linked to, or enjoy the support of, groups of enterprises and banks.
    22. The company would also get to sell all merchandise linked to the game, as well as tickets and travel packages.
    23. The offensive has included raids and seizures at more than 700 estates, businesses and other properties owned by or linked to Colombia's powerful cocaine cartels.
    24. In a recent seven days he appeared at more than 25 public events, most linked to voter-registration drives.
    25. Other research has linked health-insurance coverage with access to care.
    26. The local government linked the two currencies in October 1983 at a rate of one U.S. dollar to 7.80 Hong Kong dollars, and has adamantly refused to consider a revaluation.
    27. Stocks did most of their climbing just before the close in a barrage of program-trading activity linked to a set of expiring options and futures on stock indexes and individual stocks.
    28. Meadowhouse Bar-Laser in Stalham has been running a two-way postal EDI service for nearly a year and has more than 200 users. Here, too, a Meadowhouse computer is linked to EDI services on behalf of its customers.
    29. The computers will be linked so judges can communicate with each other and with court administrators.
    30. "There's a value there beyond what gold is there" because of the history linked to the treasure and the unusually large nuggets, Miller said.
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