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 life-and-death 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 生死攸关的, 重大的

    [ adj ]
    vitally important
    a life-and-death struggle

    1. Wolfe said Vietnam War nurses were often forced to make life-and-death decisions because of a lack of medical help and to assist in amputations and other difficult surgery for which they had no training.
    2. Critics of Mr. Cuny worry that for-profit firms like Intertect may stress the bottom line more than humanitarianism in life-and-death situations.
    3. Few Chinese who watched the life-and-death power struggle inside the party during the Cultural Revolution and wanton destruction of property and lives still accept the party's claim to selflessly serve the people.
    4. Pagnol didn't endure the life-and-death struggle with nature that lies at the heart of "Jean de Florette" and "Manon."
    5. This research underscores the belief that fatigue is as risky for pilots as it is for nuclear plant operators and long-haul truckers or anyone else who must make life-and-death decisions.
    6. There are no life-and-death issues for him, except when it comes to his daughter and ex-wife." The story presents Keegan as a former free-lance television newsman who has worked in Latin America.
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