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 lieve [li:v]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. (=lief)乐意地, 欣然地

    Lieve \Lieve\ (l[=e]v), a.
    Same as {Lief}.

    Lief \Lief\ (l[=e]f), a. [Written also {lieve}.] [OE. leef, lef,
    leof, AS. le['o]f; akin to OS. liof, OFries. liaf, D. lief,
    G. lieb, OHG. liob, Icel. lj?fr, Sw. ljuf, Goth. liubs, and
    E. love. [root]124. See {Love}, and cf. {Believe}, {Leave},
    n., {Furlough}, {Libidinous}.]
    1. Dear; beloved. [Obs., except in poetry.] ``My liefe
    mother.'' --Chaucer. ``My liefest liege.'' --Shak.

    As thou art lief and dear. --Tennyson.


    Note: (Used with a form of the verb to be, and the dative of
    the personal pronoun.) Pleasing; agreeable; acceptable;
    preferable. [Obs.] See {Lief}, adv., and Had as lief,
    under {Had}.

    Full lief me were this counsel for to hide.

    Death me liefer were than such despite.

    3. Willing; disposed. [Obs.]

    I am not lief to gab. --Chaucer.

    He up arose, however lief or loth. --Spenser.

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