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 lid [lid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 盖子, 限制, 眼睑

vt. 给...盖盖子

[化] 罩; 盖

[医] 硷

    [ noun ]
    1. either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye

    2. <noun.body>
      his lids would stay open no longer
    3. a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.

    4. <noun.artifact>
      he raised the piano lid
    5. headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Lid \Lid\ (l[i^]d), n. [AS. hlid, fr. hl[=i]dan (in comp.) to
    cover, shut; akin to OS. hl[=i]dan (in comp.), D. lid lid,
    OHG. hlit, G. augenlid eyelid, Icel. hli[eth] gate, gateway.
    1. That which covers the opening of a vessel or box, etc.; a
    movable cover; as, the lid of a chest or trunk.

    2. The cover of the eye; an eyelid. --Shak.

    Tears, big tears, gushed from the rough soldier's
    lid. --Byron.

    3. (Bot.)
    (a) The cover of the spore cases of mosses.
    (b) A calyx which separates from the flower, and falls off
    in a single piece, as in the Australian {Eucalypti}.
    (c) The top of an ovary which opens transversely, as in
    the fruit of the purslane and the tree which yields
    Brazil nuts.

    1. When the statistics laid the exalted mantel of extreme livability on Pittsburgh, a city once known as "hell with the lid off," even Rand McNally didn't believe it at first.
    2. No visible evidence of tampering could be found in the cup, lid or safety seal, officials said.
    3. Workers at Guran Concrete & Supply Co. found 450 sticks of dynamite after prying off the lid of a container in a warehouse, said fire Capt.
    4. With economic recovery proceeding at a slow pace, companies have yet to build up stocks so keeping a lid on their financing requirements. Federal Reserve figures bear this out.
    5. But, he cautions, protectionism among the various trading blocs could put a lid on growth of the overall world economy.
    6. On Aug. 3, Harvey took the can to the Jacksonville Health Department to have the lid removed, and a six-inch mouse was discovered.
    7. Put a lid on, leave the jar on a kitchen counter, making sure the towel remains wet.
    8. Chinese troops rounded up suspected separatists and kept a tight lid on Tibet today as the embattled region marked the 30th anniversary of a failed attempt to cast off Chinese rule.
    9. By keeping a lid on import prices, a robust dollar inhibits the ability of U.S. manufacturers to raise their domestic prices.
    10. The television media cooked their goose in Vietnam, and since then I think most Americans understand why the government clamped a lid on front-line TV reporting in Grenada, Panama and now the Gulf.
    11. But that would require a major revision of the economic plan, which Carlsson argued was necessary to put a lid on inflation without jeopardizing the cornerstone policy of full employment.
    12. Almost 60 per cent of cars now have tailgates and, if you include another 1.6m estates, it really does make the boot lid look a threatened species. Which car started the trend to tailgates?
    13. Then there's the Ministry of Finance, which was unable to keep a lid on the securities scandals this summer.
    14. In line with its newfound consciousness, Heinz now wants the government to put a lid on imported tuna ruled "dolphin-unsafe."
    15. Overall lackluster monthly sales figures from retailers kept a lid on activity in many of those stocks, although sales reports were mixed.
    16. The government slammed a lid on public-sector borrowing in 1984.
    17. Obey and Synar also would have limited candidates to getting no more than 40 percent of the proposed ceiling from PACs, compared to a 50 percent lid on PAC contributions from the Democratic bill by Rep. Al Swift, D-Wash., that was passed.
    18. "It's still good harvesting weather, so that's keeping a lid on things," said Jon Horton of Research Department Inc., a Chicago-based market research firm.
    19. Astronomers unveiled the blank in June when they removed the lid of a its furnace after letting it cool for weeks after it was spun-cast centrifugally in a new process that creates a lighter, more deeply curved mirror.
    20. Bills in both the House and Senate would clamp a lid on the amount of bad debt that FmHA could excuse and would tighten some other loopholes in the agency's farm lending program.
    21. Phil Pepin. "This building just blew up and there were fragments of sheet metal going everywhere." As pressure was being increased during installation of the machine, the lid blasted loose and shot 25 feet through the sheet metal roof, Pepin said.
    22. Bank of Canada figures released last week indicated the central bank spent more than $1 billion during April to keep a lid on the Canadian currency, which closed Monday at 80.72 U.S. cents.
    23. Over the years, Tokyo has tried to keep a lid on trade with South Africa.
    24. Hog farmers have also kept a tight lid on their herds, which helped to push hog prices to record levels this past spring.
    25. And then, once again, the lid came down.
    26. Burroughs-Wellcome Co.'s plan to lift the lid on distribution of its AIDS drug AZT probably will expand doctors' use of the drug, and with it, company profits.
    27. Remove the lid and simmer for about 10 minutes until the liquid is somewhat reduced and sticky.
    28. And there are substitutes that should keep the lid on Rhone prices.
    29. That's because computers do most of the work, and low trading activity keeps a lid on commission costs.
    30. Bonuses had amounted to only 7 per cent of the annual brokers' basic salary in 1990. Last year, they jumped to 22 per cent. Despite this, securities companies managed to put the lid firmly on their total staff costs, the single largest expense they face.
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