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 legitimize [l i'dʒitiˌmaiz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 给(孩子)合法地位,使合法,使可接受


    Legitimize \Le*git"i*mize\ (l[-e]*j[i^]t"[i^]*m[imac]z), v. t.
    [imp. & p. p. {Legitimized} (-m[imac]zd); p. pr. & vb. n.
    To legitimate.

    1. The observers are important to both sides; Mrs. Chamorro's United National Opposition hopes they will enforce a fair vote, while the Sandinistas want to legitimize their government.
    2. "David Duke is not a Republican," Atwater said. "He's a pretender, a charlatan and a political opportunist who is looking for any organization he can find to try to legitimize his views of racial and religious bigotry and intolerance.
    3. Some observers believe the government announcements were calculated to legitimize SDSB, as part of a long process of "co-opting" Islam.
    4. Hanson says the school hopes that the seminar will "legitimize open discussions of ethics, which can try to overcome the perception that money and power are the sole motivations in the business culture."
    5. Now, this endlessly rationalized liberalism has been transformed into a purely racial politics that attempts to legitimize fraudulent political arguments and analogies, clearly evident in the anti-Korean boycott.
    6. Cabinet Minister Mordechai Gur, a Labor Party leader helping to organize the conference, said the meeting will not be used to legitimize or boost Shamir's right-wing positions.
    7. Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, a leftist leader who lost the July presidential election he contends was fraud-ridden, said Salinas invited Castro and other foreign leaders to the Thursday inauguration to legitimize his victory.
    8. "I believe that I can still legitimize everything I do from my standpoint in 1968," Cohn-Bendit said.
    9. It warned that passage of the amendment would help homosexuals "legitimize their perversion and recruit our children." Among the 50 or so gay periodicals in the collection is "Mom Guess What!," a 10-year-old monthly published in Sacramento, Calif.
    10. Indeed, the glimpses of the horrors of black life (whites turn their backs when a white hit-and-run driver mows down a black biker) serve primarily to legitimize Diana's preoccupation with politics.
    11. "Noriega thought he was going to legitimize his regime. Instead, it has been delegitimized," said a U.S. Embassy official.
    12. Japan's isolation lasted 268 years, and the family dynasty he founded deified Tokugawa after his death to help legitimize itself.
    13. Compliance with the peace plan would help legitimize the Sandinistas' government and their revolution.
    14. "I believe I can still legitimize everything I do from my standpoint in 1968," Cohn-Bendit said in an interview with The Associated Press, adding that events 20 years ago irrevocably changed morality, sexuality and French education.
    15. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Latin America, said the Panamanian Defense Force should be abolished and that elections be called as soon as possible to legitimize the Endara government.
    16. It was the first agreement in the history of worldwide communism to legitimize a free trade union and, seen in retrospect, the beginning of the dissolution of the Soviet empire.
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