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 leaking 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Leak \Leak\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Leaked} (l[=e]kt); p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Leaking}.] [Akin to D. lekken, G. lecken, lechen,
    Icel. leka, Dan. l[ae]kke, Sw. l["a]cka, AS. leccan to wet,
    moisten. See {Leak}, n.]
    1. To let water or other fluid in or out through a hole,
    crevice, etc.; as, the cask leaks; the roof leaks; the
    boat leaks.

    2. To enter or escape, as a fluid, through a hole, crevice,
    etc.; to pass gradually into, or out of, something; --
    usually with in or out.

    {To leak out}, to be divulged gradually or clandestinely; to
    become public; as, the facts leaked out.

    leaking \leak"ing\ adj.
    having liquid seeping in or out through openings; leaky.

    Syn: leaky.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. 3M also failed to follow up with its customers after it determined that its air guns were leaking, the NRC inspection summary said.
    2. Oil now covers 1,000 square miles, leaking out of the sound to foul beaches along the Gulf of Alaska and Cook Inlet.
    3. The worst previous accident for the airlines was in 1976, when a Caravelle aircraft exploded at Bombay airport while landing. Ninety-five people were killed in the crash, blamed on leaking fuel pipes.
    4. Atlantis has been crippled by leaking hydrogen since June.
    5. He contended that the Bundesbank was leaking the story to the markets to test reaction.
    6. A lifeboat capsized in rough seas Sunday as it carried crew members from a leaking Peruvian cargo ship, and two people died and four were missing, the coast guard said.
    7. Aerial inspections showed no oil leaking from the World Prodigy as it traveled from Rhode Island to the New York Shipyard Corp., the Coast Guard said.
    8. The White House denied that the administration is leaking the allegations to harm Israel's image and undermine its relations with the U.S.
    9. It was unclear why the cargo tanks, 70 percent of which were reported late Saturday to be still intact, had begun leaking and feeding the fire later.
    10. Ken Keane said the fuel spilled from two barges, which were still leaking shortly before noon.
    11. Their mission is to remove asbestos insulation from a leaking steam pipe as required by a federal law that is forcing every school in the nation to take costly and drastic steps to control a mineral once used widely as a fire retardant.
    12. A Yugoslavian freighter that carved a 500-foot swath through a delicate coral shoal Monday off the Florida Keys has been refloated without any leaking or pollution, the Coast Guard said.
    13. Bondholders arriving for the meeting were shocked to see bright yellow buckets collecting rainwater leaking from the roof in the casino's lobby.
    14. Some Democrats lobby for the return to Dukakis' campaign of John Sasso, who quit after being fingered for leaking anti-Biden tapes last fall.
    15. The leaking barges were owned by Chotin Transportation of Cincinnati.
    16. A former director of the New York Federal Reserve Bank was charged with leaking confidential interest rate information to a securities brokerage.
    17. A doctor said an aneurysm leaking into the brain cavity can cause neck pain.
    18. The silos emit radon and are suspected of leaking waste into groundwater.
    19. U.S. District Judge Robert Aguilar, convicted of obstructing justice by leaking a wiretap and lying to the FBI, was sentenced to six months in prison.
    20. She said authorities are trying to determine how much is still leaking.
    21. The FBI and police deny leaking the story, but Ms. Bishop has since stopped cooperating.
    22. UN inspectors charged with ridding Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction have already destroyed about 8,000 unfilled chemical munitions and blown up leaking rockets containing 2.5 tonnes of nerve agents.
    23. The proposal, not expected to be popular with local governments, would require the cleaning up of dumps found to be leaking contaminants into underground aquifers.
    24. Complaints included potential problems with sodium hydroxide that reportedly was leaking into the surrounding water table and that employees weren't qualified to use respirators.
    25. The FAA-ordered modification would require devices in the hydraulic system to keep fluid from leaking out in the event the lines in the tail section, where the hydraulic systems come the closest together, are cut.
    26. Blandon denied leaking the government tapes.
    27. Authorities ordered a complete evacuation of the town Saturday night when the gas, used for refrigeration, began leaking and spread quickly over an area of about half a mile, said Fire Department Lt.
    28. Once the leaking oil problem has been resolved, the tanker can be brought in to calm waters so divers can repair the flaps of steel hanging as much as 40 feet beneath the tanker.
    29. The seven-man crew has endured four launch attempts since May, three of which were halted by leaking hydrogen in the final hours before liftoff.
    30. Fred Gibson, chairman of the Pacific Engineering and Production Co., said the high-pressure gas line passing through the plant had been leaking for at least 30 minutes before a fire broke out May 4 at the plant.
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