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 leakage ['li:kidʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 漏, 漏出物, 泄漏

[化] 漏电; 漏水; 漏气; 渗漏; 漏失量; 漏出量

[医] 漏出, 分析遗漏(精神分析学派名词)

[经] 泄漏, 漏耗

    [ noun ]
    the discharge of a fluid from some container
    they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipehe had to clean up the leak

    Leakage \Leak"age\, n. [Cf. D. lekkage, for sense 1.]
    1. A leaking; also, the quantity that enters or issues by

    2. (Com.) An allowance of a certain rate per cent for the
    leaking of casks, or waste of liquors by leaking.

    3. (Elec.) A {leak[3]}; also; the quantity of electricity
    thus wasted.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. Whereas the earlier leakage was attributed to the metal parts in the valves, the latest problem concerns the rope-like packing between the valves' metal surfaces, not the metal itself.
    2. In the brain, even a mild leakage can be dangerous and damaging.
    3. In order to continue operating, Barnett said he'd have to spend about $12,000 to install leakage detection devices on his two underground gasoline storage tanks.
    4. Control mechanisms could prevent technology leakage by the unvetted disclosure of patentable materials from research departments.
    5. Nonetheless, the NRC has ordered Minnesota Mining to check for leakage in the estimated 20,000 other similar air ionizers currently in use.
    6. The federal Centers for Disease Control said the leakage over about nine years of several radioactive elements, especially Iodine 131, apparently is the most massive radioactive leak of any facility in the country.
    7. Carbide maintains the leakage of poisonous methyl isocyanate gas was due to sabotage by a disgruntled employee.
    8. Eight water samples collected near the sunken vessel, 5,000 feet beneath the ocean surface, detected no radiation leakage, said Norway's National Institute of Radiation Protection.
    9. 'We want to curtail acts of omission by staff who fail to apply standard charges because of a busy daily schedule,' he said. The bank had identified a 'significant amount of leakage' due to staff failing to impose standard charges.
    10. Columbia's hydrogen lines indicated leakage during a mechanical test in 1984 to check the valve on the external tank side, Boykin said.
    11. Thames has reduced its leakage rate from 23 per cent to 17 per cent in the past three years and has an eventual target of 10 per cent.
    12. This is because computer models of silicon chips suggest the leakage current goes down into the silicon before affecting other transistors.
    13. When SP-PG was tested in immune-deficient mice that were injected with Kaposi's sarcoma cells, the drug seemed to prevent both the growth of blood vessels and the leakage of fluid from existing blood vessels.
    14. "We're still assessing the damage to see if they can safely be brought back without considerable leakage of fuel oil or the threat of spilling cargo from the tanker," he said.
    15. These include a 21 per cent fall in leakage, a 5 per cent fall in demand from industry and a 33 per cent rise in metered households.
    16. It said the council had changed its procedures to prevent further frauds, but it was 'worrying' that the source of the gang's information had not been identified. It said: 'There is a risk of a further leakage of sensitive information.
    17. The diluted final report minimized EPA's troubles in monitoring leakage from hazardous waste dumps, said Richard L. Hembra, director of the environmental protection section of the General Accounting Office.
    18. "So far, we don't think the leakage by air has been all that significant," Mr. Baker said.
    19. Ten TV cameras and 17 sensors were mounted in Columbia's engine compartment, the site of previous leakage.
    20. The Valdez has been about 50 miles offshore for the past two weeks since the Coast Guard ordered it away from the bay until any leakage problems were solved.
    21. Under a 1988 federal law, companies with underground fuel storage tanks must inspect them, replace them as needed, and clean up leakage.
    22. Meanwhile, a Coast Guard observer aboard the Valdez reported no signs of oil leakage or other discharges for a fourth straight day, Neely said.
    23. Dozens of pleasure boats sailed along outside the security zone, and ships with salvage and pollution response gear trailed behind. Boats carrying environmentalists also trailed, watching for any signs of leakage.
    24. He said a fuel "sheen" began showing up on the creek about noon Friday but, so far, leakage reaching the creek had been minimal.
    25. Many tar balls that wash up on the beaches of Florida and the rest of the Southeast could be the result of slow leakage from some of the German-sunk tankers, Stroud said.
    26. Officials said the new malfunction posed no danger of radiation leakage.
    27. Some smaller companies, such as East Surrey, now devote more than half their spending to reducing leakage. Despite these efforts to stem water loss, critics say spending is too little, too late.
    28. Officials said there appeared to be no leakage of hot gases at the O-ring seals on the new, scaled-down rocket.
    29. After nine years of deliberations, U.S. District Judge John Curtin said Tuesday that Occidental produced the wastes that created the disaster and stored them in a way that would eventually result in toxic leakage.
    30. The utility said that during pre-operational testing of its Nine Mile Point nuclear plant's unit No. 2, it again had leakage from one of the unit's previously repaired main steam isolation valves.
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