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 late [let]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 迟的, 晚的, 已故的

ad. 很晚, 很迟, 晚

[经] 最近的; 最近

    [ adj ]
    1. being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time

    2. <adj.all>
      late evening
      late 18th century
      a late movie
      took a late flight
      had a late breakfast
    3. of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages

    4. <adj.all>
      Late Greek
    5. at or toward an end or late period or stage of development

    6. <adj.all>
      the late phase of feudalism
      a later symptom of the disease
      later medical science could have saved the child
    [ adv ]
    1. later than usual or than expected

    2. <adv.all>
      the train arrived late
      we awoke late
      the children came late to school
      notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline
      I belatedly wished her a happy birthday
    3. to an advanced time

    4. <adv.all>
      deep into the night
      talked late into the evening
    5. at an advanced age or stage

    6. <adv.all>
      she married late
      undertook the project late in her career
    7. in the recent past

    8. <adv.all>
      he was in Paris recently
      lately the rules have been enforced
      as late as yesterday she was fine
      feeling better of late
      the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also
    [ adj ]
    1. after the expected or usual time; delayed

    2. <adj.all>
      a belated birthday card
      I'm late for the plane
      the train is late
      tardy children are sent to the principal
      always tardy in making dental appointments
    3. of the immediate past or just previous to the present time

    4. <adj.all>
      a late development
      their late quarrel
      his recent trip to Africa
      in recent months
      a recent issue of the journal
    5. having died recently

    6. <adj.all>
      her late husband
    7. (used especially of persons) of the immediate past

    8. <adj.all>
      the former president
      our late President is still very active
      the previous occupant of the White House

    Late \Late\ (l[=a]t), a. [Compar. {Later} (l[=a]t"[~e]r), or
    {latter} (l[a^]t"t[~e]r); superl. {Latest} (l[=a]t"[e^]st) or
    {Last} (l[.a]st).] [OE. lat slow, slack, AS. l[ae]t; akin to
    OS. lat, D. laat late, G. lass weary, lazy, slack, Icel.
    latr, Sw. lat, Dan. lad, Goth. lats, and to E. let, v. See
    {Let} to permit, and cf. {Alas}, {Lassitude}.]
    1. Coming after the time when due, or after the usual or
    proper time; not early; slow; tardy; long delayed; as, a
    late spring.

    2. Far advanced toward the end or close; as, a late hour of
    the day; a late period of life.

    3. Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not
    now; recently deceased, departed, or gone out of office;
    as, the late bishop of London; the late administration.

    4. Not long past; happening not long ago; recent; as, the
    late rains; we have received late intelligence.

    5. Continuing or doing until an advanced hour of the night;
    as, late revels; a late watcher.

    Late \Late\, adv. [AS. late. See {Late}, a.]
    1. After the usual or proper time, or the time appointed;
    after delay; as, he arrived late; -- opposed to {early}.

    2. Not long ago; lately.

    3. Far in the night, day, week, or other particular period;
    as, to lie abed late; to sit up late at night.

    {Of late}, in time not long past, or near the present;
    lately; as, the practice is of late uncommon.

    {Too late}, after the proper or available time; when the time
    or opportunity is past.

    1. Can we never see eye-to-eye until all 120 million Japanese become Christians?" My second encounter occurred in the late 1980s, when I overheard a comment as I passed by a meeting room in the New York head office of a major financial organization.
    2. The winner should be announced by late October.
    3. Its stock, which went public at $21 a share in late April, closed yesterday at $24.125, off 25 cents, in New York Stock Exchange composite trading.
    4. Popov, a judge who is a member of neither leading faction, was chosen to lead a new government after strikes and protests forced Socialist Premier Andrei Lukanov and his government of former Communists to quit late last month.
    5. In 1973, the kidnappers of J. Paul Getty III, grandson of the late U.S. oil billionaire, cut off one of his ears and sent it to a Rome newspaper.
    6. Mazda has raised the prices on its cars sold in the U.S. nine times since late 1985, when the value of the Japanese yen began climbing against the dollar.
    7. The withdrawal of the SRAM-A follows Cheney's disclosure in late May that a safety problem existed with U.S. nuclear artillery shells in Europe, but that it had been fixed and a risk of accidental nuclear explosions never materialized.
    8. Since its founding in 1879, lawyers at the firm have helped organize U.S. Steel in the late 1880s, helped plan the construction of the Panama Canal and helped negotiate an end to the Korean War.
    9. Soviet Premier Nikolai I. Ryzhkov and Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze joined Gorbachev for the meeting with Modrow, who arrived in Moscow on a one-day visit late Monday.
    10. The 7th Armored Brigade, successors to the famous "Desert Rats" of World War II, will arrive late next month with 120 Challenger tanks and 6,000 troops.
    11. Wren said late Sunday he did not know if Rothmeier knew of the request.
    12. The Hunt campaign sent a new series of ads to TV stations late last week.
    13. The quake, registering 2.5 on the Richter scale of ground motion, hit the area around the Western Deep Levels East mine late Wednesday, the Anglo American Corp. said.
    14. Cambrian & General's capital shares rose one pence to 223 pence ($3.56) but the ordinary shares were unchanged at 136 pence ($2.17) in late trading yesterday on the London stock exchange.
    15. The dollar traded at 130.27 yen in London, and at 130.60 yen in New York, up from 129.79 yen late Tuesday.
    16. Instead, they described it has a housecleaning measure agreed upon after Presser underwent a heart bypass operation in late 1983 to assure that control of the union remained with officials at its international headquarters in Washington.
    17. The November contract fell as low as $5.89 a bushel, its lowest level since Aug. 3, before bouncing back late in the session.
    18. The impoverished northeast was once the stronghold of the Communists, who fielded about 12,000 fighters at the peak of power in the late 1970s.
    19. That was down from 8.54% late Wednesday.
    20. Similarly, Robert Prechter, the most celebrated of the current crop of stockmarket gurus, was telling his telephone call-in clients late Friday that the selling spree is grossly overdone.
    21. Starting late next year, it aims to set up a demonstration of interactive multimedia and by early 1995 to create an interactive multimedia service available throughout the US.
    22. The issue is expected to be sold at a spread of about 105 basis points above the yield on the Treasury 8 7/8% bonds due 2017, which were quoted late yesterday at 8.81%.
    23. Individuals who spoke with Mr. Milken as recently as late yesterday said that while some of his attorneys and others recommended that he accept the negotiated pact, Mr. Milken had still not made up his mind about whether to do so.
    24. Finland tied the score midway through the first period, but Andrei Khomoutov and Viacheslav Bykov, holdovers from the Soviet dynasty, put the United Team ahead again by combining on a power-play goal late in the period.
    25. It slashed that proposal in late January to 10 cents on the dollar in cash when the airline emerges from bankruptcy protection, and another 70 percent over the following 10 years, without interest.
    26. The trip is an exception to travel restrictions attached to his release on bail while he awaits a March trial on charges he helped the late leader of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos, and his wife, Imelda, defraud their national treasury.
    27. In New York trading, the dollar bought 158.15 yen, down from 158.30 yen late Friday.
    28. All of the comments came in advance of a Fort Worth Star-Telegram poll, released late Tuesday night, that showed Williams with a 45-41 percent lead in a survey that has a 3 percent margin of error.
    29. The government also sponsored an Olympic-style Pan-Korean athletic competition in late 1989 that drew 1,326 Korean competitors from 50 nations.
    30. In Shanghai, more than 1,000 students marched late Sunday from Fudan University to Tongji University, singing former odes to revolutionary leader Mao Tse-tung but substituting Hu's name.
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