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 lane [lein]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小路, 巷, 弄, 单行道

    [ noun ]
    1. a narrow way or road

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a well-defined track or path; for e.g. swimmers or lines of traffic

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Lane \Lane\ (l[=a]n), a. [See {Lone}.]
    Alone. [Scot.]

    {His lane}, by himself; himself alone.

    Lane \Lane\ (l[=a]n), n. [OE. lane, lone, AS. lone, lone; akin
    to D. laan, OFries. lana, lona.]
    A passageway between fences or hedges which is not traveled
    as a highroad; an alley between buildings; a narrow way among
    trees, rocks, and other natural obstructions; hence, in a
    general sense, a narrow passageway; as, a lane between lines
    of men, or through a field of ice.

    It is become a turn-again lane unto them which they can
    not go through. --Tyndale.

    1. Lozano testified that Lloyd's motorcycle headed straight at him in the wrong lane, and he fired instinctively.
    2. Because the test car had the optional High Capacity Actively Controlled Steering, the Q45 also barely showed any body roll, or yaw in sudden lane changes and side moves.
    3. Ohle lives down the lane from the store, in his father's hilltop cabin overlooking Lake Charlevoix.
    4. The shows will be updated continuously and be shown on television monitors perched just above each checkout lane.
    5. A section of the road that links Malaga to Valderrama has still to be built and so for 11 miles the traffic is down to one lane in either direction.
    6. Up ahead, one of the special Secret Service vans moved into the same lane as the intruder.
    7. Many New Englanders continue to believe the region's strengths, such as its high education levels and entrepreneurial tradition, will enable it to get back in the economic fast lane sooner or later.
    8. Michael J. Fox says he's pulled out of the fast lane to enjoy a quieter life with actress Tracy Pollan, US magazine reports in its April 18 issue.
    9. The state contends he fired his gun unnecessarily as the motorcycle roared past him in the opposite traffic lane.
    10. A spokesman for Ormeno said the bus was forced off the road by a truck driving in the wrong lane.
    11. Mr. Sullivan denies snatching the idea from a Nissan Sentra television commercial about a guy named Bob who has his own highway lane, tollway booth and parking spot, as some town officials had suspected.
    12. He had seen a huge truck swing into the opposite lane of a highway, specifically to hit a snake.
    13. However, vehicle-handling skills like keeping in a lane or stopping at a point, showed little, if any, improvement.
    14. Bette Midler told interviewer Connie Chung that life in the fast lane isn't for her.
    15. Ironically, the idiot who changed his wheel in the outside lane was let off with a caution.
    16. A Covington, Ohio, man was killed when his car veered into the opposite lane of a snow-slickened state highway and struck a pickup truck near Dayton, said Patty Carey of the Ohio Highway Patrol.
    17. "All we need is warm bodies for the express lane," she says.
    18. He is young, single - and he likes to live in the fast lane.
    19. He is accused of killing Dale Brantley Peeler, 30, who got out of his car to argue with two people who blew their horn at him when he paused to check his order in the drive-through lane at a Krystal restaurant last week.
    20. And to others still, it's nostalgia, a slow fox trot down memory lane.
    21. I know, because four years ago I opened my own Tippy's Taco House restaurant in Arlington, Va., and it has been life in the hot-sauce lane ever since.
    22. The 250-foot Zhe-Sheng had drifted more than 2,000 nautical miles (about 2,300 miles) to a sea lane off the Washington coast, where it was spotted by the Arco Juneau early Sunday.
    23. Still, an evening with "The Taffetas" is a pleasant way, as they used to say on "Your Hit Parade," to stroll down memory lane.
    24. Others used two hands to push it down the lane.
    25. Will it be consigned to the slow lane of a two-speed Europe?
    26. Ms. Tomlin has some nice moments as City Rose, a flaky flower child who has never felt at home in the Manhattan fast lane.
    27. "It's approximately a half-million dollars in the No. 4 (lane), the on ramp and the right shoulder," said Officer Richard Perez of the highway patrol.
    28. I didn't have much in its lane, even on windy roaonic Teves anti-lock brakes helped slow this big auto down safely, even on rain-slicked streets.
    29. Officers said they did not know why the eastbound car crossed into the westbound lane of Highway 132 near Modesto.
    30. Witnesses said Reisser's driver tried to avoid a truck, veered into the opposite lane and struck an oncoming car.
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