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 landfill ['lændfil]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 垃圾堆

    [ noun ]
    a low area that has been filled in

    1. City officials rushed to put Holly's name on a park, built on the outskirts of town over an old landfill.
    2. The case involved New York City and its efforts to force a waste-hauling company, Refinemet International Inc., to pay for cleanup costs at a city landfill.
    3. Now landfill workers say they will miss the porkers.
    4. The other hazardous waste landfill in the Southeast is in Emelle, Ala.
    5. Town leaders also wooed companies that proposed a low-level nuclear waste dump, a sewage ash processing plant, a munitions testing site and, most recently, a landfill for municipal waste from Northeastern cities.
    6. North Cove is a U-shaped notch in Manhattan's Battery Park City, a community of office towers and apartment buildings that stands on landfill on the edge of the Hudson River.
    7. There are more than 450 garbage incinerators nationwide with 150 more expected to be built over the next five years as municipalities increasingly turn to burning garbage as landfill space becomes scarce.
    8. But he says it isn't clear that local or regional waste would suffice to make the landfill profitable should imports be stopped.
    9. Mintel estimates after questioning councils that the capacity of existing landfill sites will be exhausted within about 11 years. Britain rates low on a Europe-wide recycling league table, according to Mr John Cunningham, Mintel's chief executive.
    10. A federal judge ruled Occidental Chemical Corp. was liable for the estimated $250 million cost of cleaning up the Love Canal landfill that became synonymous with environmental disaster.
    11. And above the pasture on the hill opposite the Hallstroms' home is the site where in 1980, the county developed a landfill on ground residents had used for years as a dump.
    12. The one nearby landfill capable of properly dealing with asbestos can take only four truckloads of the material a day.
    13. The dry acreage is landfill, the spokeswoman said, and California law mandates that before landfill can be developed it must undergo rigorous tests for pollutants, among other things.
    14. The dry acreage is landfill, the spokeswoman said, and California law mandates that before landfill can be developed it must undergo rigorous tests for pollutants, among other things.
    15. The landfill operators have called it harassment. "I have a substantial investment in the landfill.
    16. The landfill operators have called it harassment. "I have a substantial investment in the landfill.
    17. Standards are set nationally or regionally; the ability to manage a landfill in the UK does not imply that the company can do the same in Germany. WMI argues that its experience allows it to improve the management of the businesses it takes over.
    18. In a draft statement circulated Friday to industry, government and environmental officials, plastics producers concede that degradable plastics have "little significant role" in reducing landfill and could deter recycling.
    19. Ms. Hahn says Chicago-based Waste Management "concentrated on landfill early on."
    20. Olaf and Mary Hallstrom live on a dairy farm near the landfill.
    21. Sanifill dropped 7 1/8 to 14 1/2 after the hazardous waste landfill operator said 1992 profit will fall short of some forecasts.
    22. I-880, whose collapse killed dozens, was built on landfill.
    23. Most of the world hadn't heard of Islip, Long Island, before March 1987, when a bargeload of trash set out on a trip to a landfill.
    24. Their ability to separate the reinforcing bar from the concrete as they tear a building apart produces steel for recycling and pure concrete for fussy landfill sites.
    25. Ogden, an environmental, financial and industrial services company, said the $71.7 million project will integrate disposal of refuse, sewage sludge and landfill gas.
    26. The site was once a town landfill.
    27. While the dump owner has claimed there was nothing toxic in the landfill, low levels of PCBs were found in the smoke.
    28. Officials say the biggest piece of rubble, the Interstate 880 viaduct, may be ground up and used as landfill in Oakland.
    29. Tompkins County, N.Y., used such a program to blunt objections by residents of rural Dryden to a conventinal landfill.
    30. For example, the firm, Ruckelshaus Associates, has helped raise $37 million in venture capital earmarked for investments in companies that specialize in landfill, hazardous waste cleanup and recycling.
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