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 laevulose   添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 果糖

    [ noun ]
    a simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits

    Laevulose \L[ae]v"u*lose`\, n. (Chem.)
    See {Levulose}.

    Levulose \Lev"u*lose`\ (l[e^]v"[-u]*l[=o]s`), n. [See {Levo-}.]
    A sirupy variety of sugar, rarely obtained crystallized,
    occurring widely in honey, ripe fruits, etc., and hence
    called also {fruit sugar}; also called {fructose}. Chemical
    formula: {C6H12O6}. It is called levulose, because it rotates
    the plane of polarization of light to the left, in contrast
    to {dextrose}, the other product of the hydrolysis of
    sucrose. [Written also {l[ae]vulose}.]
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    Note: It is obtained, together with an equal quantity of
    dextrose, by the inversion of ordinary cane or beet
    sugar, and hence, as being an ingredient of invert
    sugar, is often so called. It is fermentable, nearly as
    sweet as cane sugar, and is metameric with dextrose.
    Cf. {Dextrose}.

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