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 lady beetle 添加此单词到默认生词本


    lady beetle
    [ noun ]
    small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests

    Ladybird \La"dy*bird`\, n. [Equiv. to, bird of Our Lady.]
    Any one of numerous species of small beetles of the genus
    {Coccinella} and allied genera (family {Coccinellid[ae]}); --
    called also {ladybug}, {ladyclock}, {lady cow}, {lady fly},
    {ladybeetle}, and {lady beetle}. {Coccinella seplempunctata}
    in one of the common European species. See {Coccinella}.

    Note: The ladybirds are usually more or less hemispherical in
    form, with a smooth, polished surface, and often
    colored red, brown, or black, with small spots of
    brighter colors. Both the larv[ae] and the adult
    beetles of most species feed on aphids, and for this
    reason they are very beneficial to agriculture and

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