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 laden ['leidn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 装满的, 负载的, 苦恼的


    Lade \Lade\ (l[=a]d), v. t. [imp. {Laded}; p. p. {Laded},
    {Laden} (l[=a]d'n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lading}.] [AS. hladan to
    heap, load, draw (water); akin to D. & G. laden to load, OHG.
    hladan, ladan, Icel. hla[eth]a, Sw. ladda, Dan. lade, Goth.
    afhla[thorn]an. Cf. {Load}, {Ladle}, {Lathe} for turning,
    {Last} a load.]
    1. To load; to put a burden or freight on or in; -- generally
    followed by that which receives the load, as the direct

    And they laded their asses with the corn. --Gen.
    xlii. 26.

    2. To throw in or out, with a ladle or dipper; to dip; as, to
    lade water out of a tub, or into a cistern.

    And chides the sea that sunders him from thence,
    Saying, he'll lade it dry to have his way. --Shak.

    3. (Plate Glass Manuf.) To transfer (the molten glass) from
    the pot to the forming table.

    Laden \Lad"en\, p. & a.
    Loaded; freighted; burdened; as, a laden vessel; a laden

    Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity. --Is.
    i. 4.

    A ship laden with gold. --Shak.

    1. I went to Burma laden with packets of milk powder, coffee and flour, thinking these would make welcome presents.
    2. His assets, including a $500,000 peach colored stucco home laden with Italian marble, have been seized.
    3. A second train, laden with 33 armored vehicles, left a few hours later from the Domasov nad Bystrici station near a Red Army base at Libava in eastern Czechoslovakia.
    4. Alongside the icy runway at Kabul's airport, about 500 Soviet soldiers laden with equipment lined up Friday in front of giant transport planes waiting to take them back to the Soviet Union.
    5. Men doze at tables laden with spices.
    6. Still laden with heavy debts from its buy-out, Darty's management may not wish to struggle through unaided.
    7. Outside the dining room, a table is laden with bronze trophies.
    8. The House's most liberal members refused to support that chamber's bill after it emerged laden down with harsh GOP-inspired penalties.
    9. But on a recent March morning, singer Janet Jackson went bouncing past the reception desk trailed by an entourage laden with luggage.
    10. The merchants of Cyprus in the 15th century grew so wealthy that they used to produce fruit bowls laden with diamonds and other gems for important visitors, who could choose one as a gift.
    11. Day seven: After a stormy, all-night cruise past Cape Catastrophe, we arrive at Dangerous Reef, a desolate patch of rocks laden with growling sea lions and noisy cormorants and gulls.
    12. But, price apart, Ford's new bulk carrier is an exceptionally attractive car. It rides with shock absorbent suppleness on its redesigned suspension whether running light or well laden.
    13. The truck, laden with electric detonators, blew up about an hour after the crash.
    14. A member of a peace group was arrested for the second time in three days Monday when trucks laden with food and medical supplies bound for Nicaragua tried to cross a bridge into Mexico, officials said.
    15. Faced with the Reagan administration's refusal to allow more disclosures of secret information in his own evidence, Walsh streamlined the case Thursday by asking the court to dismiss the two charges most laden with national security problems.
    16. The increase will raise the rate for laden vessels from Dollars 2.01 to Dollars 2.21 a ton.
    17. Meanwhile a UN official said 30 trucks laden with food north of Mogadishu were lost in an apparent case of looting.
    18. And as long as ships laden with oil continue to ply coastal shipping lanes for a fuel-hungry public, accidents are possible, they said.
    19. Mrs. Hutson typically played after opening cash accounts in amounts of as much as $10,000, leaving the casino cashier's window laden with $20 chips, says a person close to the case.
    20. He was soon laden with commissions, honorary doctorates and prizes.
    21. Bush, who stresses a resume laden with foreign policy experience and vows a strong anti-drug effort, again found himself in the position of having to plead ignorance on Noriega.
    22. It had begun with Ragnar Soderlind's Trauermusik, composed a quarter-century ago in response to the crushing of the Prague Spring: tough and terse (just 8 minutes long) but laden with complex feeling, rendered in sure orchestral strokes.
    23. Citicorp's latest move also is a huge gamble, laden with risk for many people.
    24. More recently, he's discovered that even sludge laden with hazardous metals can be put into the clay-sludge mixture that is fired into bricks.
    25. In the most recent serious train accident in the Soviet Union, two freight trains, one laden with propane, collided May 20 in the capital of Soviet Kazakhstan.
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