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 krona ['krəunə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 克朗(瑞典及冰岛的货币单位)

    [ noun ]
    1. the basic unit of money in Sweden

    2. <noun.quantity>
    3. the basic unit of money in Iceland

    4. <noun.quantity>

    1. Then, overnight lending rates were pushed up to 500 per cent in a vain bid to keep the krona pegged to the ERM as Sweden prepared to join the European Community.
    2. The group said the full-year result would benefit from the weaker krona.
    3. The flight from the krona after the Finnish float gives some indication of what might hit sterling if the Italian Lira is the subject of a unilateral downward realignment.
    4. The stronger krona produced a SKr200m unrealised exchange gain, compared with a SKr500m loss in the first quarter of 1993.
    5. Estonia underscored the potential of the reform by kicking off a contest to design its new currency, the krona.
    6. A strategic disposal was keenly anticipated by the markets. The subsequent transformation owed much to the change in Sweden's economic fortunes following the 25 per cent devaluation of the Swedish krona after its flotation in November 1992.
    7. A No vote would hit the krona, if only on the expectation that inward investment would dry up, which would further enhance the competitiveness of Swedish manufacturing.
    8. Short sterling contracts regained some of the ground lost recently, while Euromark contracts saw heavy volumes. In Europe the Swedish krona recovered slightly from recent weakness to close at SKr4.756 against the D-Mark from SKr4.787.
    9. AGA AB also said its AGA-Cryo AB subsidiary, a producer of industrial and medical gas, has received a 23 million krona ($4.1 million) order to build two storage tanks for nitrogen and oxygen for the Swiss company Carbagas.
    10. In Stockholm, Volvo B free shares, which are most widely traded internationally, gained one krona to 406 kronor ($67.89).
    11. A FEW weeks ago, Sweden's decision to float the krona seemed to thrust a ray of light into the gloom enveloping the country's corporate sector.
    12. Against the Italian lira it closed at L1,020 from L1,021. The catalyst for the recovery in the krona was last Friday's fiscal proposals from the opposition Social Democratic Party, predicted to win next month's general election.
    13. The advance came without any upturn in business conditions. The revival has been attributed mainly to the weak Swedish krona, which enabled the group to push up sales by 27 per cent, to SKr15.8bn, and orders by 30 per cent to SKr16.5bn.
    14. Stockholm stock prices shot up 3.5% in hectic trading in response to a decision by Sweden to link the krona to the European currency unit.
    15. The rush into dollars developed Friday when the Riksbank startled a thin, pre-holiday market with its decision to tie the krona to the ECU, a basket of 12 European Community currencies.
    16. Part of the pressure on the krona has come from the belief that Sweden cannot maintain high interest rates for long because the economy is so weak.
    17. THE sudden decision to float the Swedish krona yesterday afternoon by the central bank took even the government by surprise.
    18. Sweden began a costly and ultimately futile bid to keep its krona pegged to the Ecu by intervening heavily on currency markets and pushing its interest rates to 500 per cent at one point.
    19. Pressures on the krona have abated, but they could return again. The future of the country's banks and financial institutions continues to cause concern.
    20. They also want the krona to shadow the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System as soon as possible. There was a sharp difference of opinion between Mr Bildt and the central bank yesterday.
    21. The group blamed high Swedish interest rates in the autumn and the depreciation of the krona.
    22. The company expects a further improvement this year. The weaker krona was positive for the company, helping to lift sales to SKr11.8bn from SKr9.9bn.
    23. The reduction from 8 per cent to 7.75 per cent is the latest in a series of cuts which has brought the bank's marginal rate down from 12.5 per cent last November before the Swedish krona was floated.
    24. In Stockholm, Alfa-Laval Class B shares closed at 253 kroner ($43.59), up 1 krona.
    25. Sweden's central bank was immediately forced to put up its most important lending rate by 8 percentage points to protect the Swedish krona, which traders see as the next prime target for devaluation.
    26. Faced by the dangers to the krona the politicians rallied round. The immediate response from public opinion has been favourable.
    27. I would think lower rates were more likely than unchanged rates. What is the outlook for the krona? The exchange rate is undervalued in terms of competitiveness.
    28. Several traders noted that the dollar stands around levels seen May 17 before Sweden's Riksbank announced its linking of the krona to the European Currency Unit (ECU), which spurred several days of dollar buying.
    29. The bank made its move despite the recent strengthening of the krona and a fall in long-term bond yields. East German industrial output rose in August by 14.1 per cent year-on-year after increasing in July by 9.4 per cent.
    30. The dollar rose to 6.2310 against the krona Friday from 6.0895 late Thursday.
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