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 kidnapping 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    (law) the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment

    Kidnap \Kid"nap`\ (k[i^]d"n[a^]p`), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Kidnaped} (k[i^]d"n[a^]pt`) or {Kidnapped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Kidnaping} or {Kidnapping}.] [Kid a child + Prov. E. nap to
    seize, to grasp. Cf. {Knab}, {Knap}, {Nab}.]
    To take (any one) by force or fear, and against one's will,
    with intent to carry to another place. --Abbott.

    You may reason or expostulate with the parents, but
    never attempt to kidnap their children, and to make
    proselytes of them. --Whately.

    Note: Originally used only of stealing children, but now
    extended in application to any human being,
    involuntarily abducted.

    kidnapping \kidnapping\ n.
    the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person
    against their will and holding them in false imprisonment.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. But it's a problem that some people are involved in heinous crimes, such as kidnapping and murder. FT: What can be done about corruption in Pakistani politics? BB: We are committed to the elimination of corruption.
    2. The rightist government of President Alfredo Cristiani has accused the leftist Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front of "kidnapping" hundreds of young men in recent weeks, allegedly to replace losses suffered in the offensive.
    3. It tells of a kidnapping of an American general, a deed that has long been one of the RAF's fondest hopes.
    4. It was believed to be the first kidnapping of a non-Israeli in Israel or its occupied territories.
    5. 'I do not see how kidnapping a boy of 16 serves the cause of Islam or of Kashmiris,' he wrote in a letter to Mr Syed Salahuddin, leader of Kashmir's fundamentalist Hizb-ul Mujahideen group.
    6. In the statement, the Extraditables also said they would kill family members of officials participating in such a kidnapping operation.
    7. Leaf was accused of kidnapping the two April 2 from their Trumbull, Conn., home.
    8. Curry was charged with kidnapping, criminal confinement, battery, criminal recklessness and auto theft.
    9. Gomez said the kidnapping might have been avoided if the United States had consulted Philippine authorities on security.
    10. Hatcher and Jacobs both were tried and acquitted on federal kidnapping charges.
    11. A woman who admitted causing "a lot of hurt and pain" was convicted Thursday of kidnapping a baby from a hospital last summer and keeping him for four months.
    12. Charles Garry told a news conference at the Hall of Justice that he will fight efforts by Robeson County authorities to try Hatcher on state charges of kidnapping.
    13. The Federation of Committees for the past eight years has protested the kidnapping and killing of suspected leftists by rightist death squads.
    14. "He supplied us with information that there may be a kidnapping.
    15. No one has claimed responsibility for kidnapping the 28-year-old Kemptner and Struebig, 48. Asme-Humanitas officials said today they had not been informed of any demands.
    16. Again comes the answer in Pushto: The word "Punjab" goes flying by, and so does "Afridi," the name of a tribe that has been giving the government trouble with smuggling and kidnapping.
    17. Two men in custody Friday in the 1981 kidnapping and killing of an 11-year-old girl, were linked to the crime by a third man who confessed in a letter mailed after his death, police said.
    18. There were reports even that the Reagan administration considered kidnapping him to face drug charges by two Florida grand juries.
    19. Neighbors of the Hearins told Jackson police they saw a van with Florida plates driven by a white man in his sixties in the neighborhood a week before the kidnapping.
    20. Certain politicians also found his presence inconvenient because he knew too much about the Moro kidnapping and the infiltration of the Red Brigades by the security services.
    21. He was arrested Sunday and charged with kidnapping.
    22. A 27-year-old man was arrested Friday on suspicion of kidnapping and murdering a girl in central Japan, police said.
    23. Bush decried the kidnapping of a Peace Corps volunteer by communist rebels in the Philippines.
    24. The officials _ Shultz, White House Chief of Staff Howard Baker and National Security Adviser Colin Powell _ told of a 1,500-man incursion targeted at Contra supply sources and the kidnapping of rebel leaders, participants in the meeting said.
    25. The government said Tuesday that Mrs. Mandela, 56, will be charged with the 1988 kidnapping and assault of four young men, including 14-year-old Stompei Seipei, who was killed.
    26. The kidnapping "happened so fast," she said. "I turned my head away when this guy asked me a question."
    27. Two people were held Saturday on kidnapping charges in Washtenaw County Jail in connection with the incident, Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Jim Tieman said.
    28. He was being held Tuesday on $250,000 bond in the DeKalb County jail pending a Feb. 17 hearing on two counts of kidnapping, two counts of aggravated assault and theft by extortion.
    29. But it is one of several nations accused of supporting and encouraging terrorism, including the kidnapping of Americans and other Westerners in Lebanon, assassinations and hijackings.
    30. He is directly responsible for the kidnapping of Col. Higgins.
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