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 keyboard ['ki`bord]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 键盘

[计] 键盘

    [ noun ]
    1. device consisting of a set of keys on a piano or organ or typewriter or typesetting machine or computer or the like

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. holder consisting of an arrangement of hooks on which keys or locks can be hung

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Keyboard \Key"board`\, n.
    The whole arrangement, or one range, of the keys[3] of an
    organ, piano, typewriter, etc.; that part of a device
    containing the keys[3] used to operate it.

    1. The design is slick: The system consists of just a keyboard and a monitor, because a "Personality Pack" containing the computer attaches to the back of the monitor.
    2. Lotus argued that competitors were trying to copy the program's "look and feel" _ the actual keyboard commands and images used in the program.
    3. And that can be very difficult when you are playing live." Artists can, and do, cheat on this kind of music, with digital audio tapes or memory chips running part of the tune while they tend to other keyboard chores.
    4. "There's no way I can sell that keyboard to customers in Vancouver," says the representative of a U.S. computer maker.
    5. He predicts that homes will soon have at least two PCs capable of displaying multimedia programmes. The first, shorn of its keyboard and boasting a large screen will live in the lounge.
    6. Queries can be tapped in on a small keyboard.
    7. Acting to free resources to focus on its main high- technology businesses, IBM announced it will place its typewriter, keyboard and certain printer operations into a new company in which it will retain a minority interest.
    8. One was the ease of use: it was presumed that no top executive would ever have the time to master a keyboard.
    9. The Berkeley Symphony came up with the requisite three Ondes Martenot, a kind of electronic sound-generator on which the performer, seated at a tiny keyboard, can twist single notes into strange and affecting shapes.
    10. The user 'writes' information into a PDA with an electronic pen, instead of a miniature keyboard. The three-way convergence is made possible, of course, by the rapid advance of technology in computing, communications and electronics.
    11. "The keyboard will be dead in five or 10 years," predicts Mr. Bricklin.
    12. In the semifinals, Ms. McClarey got into the spirit of a tune called "Loose Elbows" by applying her elbows to the keyboard.
    13. "I'm more worried about spilling a cup of coffee on my keyboard than I am about the Datacrime virus," Greenberg said.
    14. Milner also can send messages with a keyboard if he is stuck in traffic, has engine trouble or needs emergency help.
    15. There is no intensive keyboard input as most operations are carried out on a graphics window using a mouse. CK Modeller is unlike most other computer applications.
    16. She volunteered for redundancy in 1986. A recent case involving BT keyboard operators granted damages of Pounds 6,000 but a loss of earnings award has not yet been decided.
    17. "We've probably boosted our looking-for-parts business 75% since we got this," Mr. Butland says, patting a keyboard that is protected from grimy fingers by a sheet of plastic wrap.
    18. That's because in order to use an ATM card a thief must also gain access to the person's personal identification code _ usually a secret four-digit number punched into an ATM keyboard to gain access to an account.
    19. The purchase price, to be determined as of the closing date, will equal the approximate book value of the keyboard assets plus $4.3 million.
    20. Momenta is probably the best funded of a raft of fledgling concerns trying to show that the pen is as mighty as the keyboard.
    21. The four astronomers aboard Columbia manually operated Astro's pointing system for the third straight day Wednesday, using a joystick and keyboard to steer the three ultraviolet telescopes toward desired stars.
    22. The keyboard of the heavy, long-lived Selectric had a rock-solid feel; even today, personal-computer makers tout their "Selectric-style keyboards."
    23. The customer enters his secret code and the amount of purchase into a hand-held keyboard.
    24. Now watch the keyboard and see how when you lift your hand too soon you release some of the sound.
    25. He is claiming compensation for pain and suffering as well as loss of earnings. A central issue was the extent to which Mr Mughal's keyboard work caused his injury, Mr Foy said. The case continues.
    26. Like Liberace, she has owned several flashy cars: Her 1988 black Corvette with a piano keyboard airbrushed on the hood is parked outside the hotel, and she is trying to get it moved into the Taj's lobby (Liberace used to drive his flashy cars on stage).
    27. Advocates of computerized meetings say the computer helps leaders stick to an agenda, partly because people digress less with a keyboard than they do orally.
    28. How about pictures? Most existing computers recognize only keyboard symbols, not images that are scanned into their memory.
    29. He collapsed at the keyboard during the premiere of the piece that year.
    30. First, the notes fit the hands for keyboard well with the exception of a set of "mirror" fugues that Bach arranged for two keyboards.
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