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 keg [keg]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小桶

    [ noun ]
    1. the quantity contained in a keg

    2. <noun.quantity>
    3. small cask or barrel

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Keg \Keg\ (k[e^]g), n. [Earlier cag, Icel. kaggi; akin to Sw.
    A small cask or barrel.

    1. But while premium lagers may not be losing ground, the big standard lagers and keg bitters are.
    2. His foreign minister, Eduard A. Shevardnadze, says the dissidents have "deliberately set a match to a powder keg.
    3. An empty beer keg thrown onto a campfire exploded Sunday, killing a man at his birthday party in the second such death reported this month.
    4. It was to create a political powder keg.
    5. Some here say police are loathe to enforce the ordinance because its stiff penalties make it a powder keg.
    6. In that case, officials said the fire caused a quart of beer that remained in the keg to boil, and steam and pressure built up until the keg exploded.
    7. In that case, officials said the fire caused a quart of beer that remained in the keg to boil, and steam and pressure built up until the keg exploded.
    8. 'Whereas fizzy, processed keg beers and lagers have dominated the pub market for the last 20 years, drinkers are now trading up to beers full of flavour and character.
    9. Arrate and others in the alliance say they are inheriting a powder keg of social problems long ignored or suppressed by Pinochet's military government.
    10. Police were called Sunday about a keg party involving minors in this town of 3,300 near Kansas City, Kan. Just two officers were on duty and they had two other calls which they had to respond to, Robertson said.
    11. "The presence of foreign forces has inflamed the Persian Gulf and the region has become like a powder keg," Rafsanjani said Sunday.
    12. I think that the Americans should appreciate us more and acknowledge the important role that we are playing in containing the communist advance to the North and the powder keg of Mexico.
    13. "You have a powder keg."
    14. Besides the crackdown on brown-bagging, which beer bar owners say will eliminate their highly profitable sales of mixers, the new law puts an end to "happy hours" and retail sales of beer by the keg.
    15. "The miners are very agitated and the situation is a powder keg," said Santos by phone from Boa Vista, a city of 43,000 people.
    16. If the officers had had time, they would have taken the keg to a chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, so the group could get the keg deposit, Robertson said.
    17. If the officers had had time, they would have taken the keg to a chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, so the group could get the keg deposit, Robertson said.
    18. Leaving the settlements untouched is like putting a flame next to a powder keg and saying: 'Coexist.'
    19. The only solace is the thought (hope) that this keg has to tap out sometime.
    20. Jordan is a keg of dynamite, straddling the war in a manner reminiscent of Belgium at the beginning of World War I. Yemen, an Iraqi ally with a population of 11 million located near the Saudi holy cities of Mecca and Medina, has yet to be heard from.
    21. A man was killed when a beer keg placed on a bonfire exploded and a piece of metal severed his spinal cord, authorities said.
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