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 juniper ['dʒu:nipә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 杜松属

[医] 杜松[实]

    [ noun ]
    1. desert shrub of Syria and Arabia having small white flowers; constitutes the juniper of the Old Testament; sometimes placed in genus Genista

    2. <noun.plant>
    3. coniferous shrub or small tree with berrylike cones

    4. <noun.plant>

    Juniper \Ju"ni*per\, n. [L. juniperus, prop., youth-producing,
    and so called from its evergreen appearance, from the roots
    of E. juvenile, and parent. Cf. {Gin} the liquor.] (Bot.)
    Any evergreen shrub or tree, of the genus {Juniperus} and
    order {Conifer[ae]}.

    Note: The common juniper ({Juniperus communis}) is a shrub of
    a low, spreading form, having awl-shaped, rigid leaves
    in whorls of threes, and bearing small purplish blue
    berries (or galbuli), of a warm, pungent taste, used as
    diuretic and in flavoring gin. A resin exudes from the
    bark, which has erroneously been considered identical
    with sandarach, and is used as pounce. The oil of
    juniper is acrid, and used for various purposes, as in
    medicine, for making varnish, etc. The wood of several
    species is of a reddish color, hard and durable, and is
    used in cabinetwork under the names of {red cedar},
    {Bermuda cedar}, etc.

    {Juniper worm} (Zo["o]l.), the larva of a geometrid moth
    ({Drepanodes varus}). It feeds upon the leaves of the
    juniper, and mimics the small twigs both in form and
    color, in a remarkable manner.

    1. The High Road, as opposed to the valley road that runs along the bank of the Rio Grande, goes on to Taos, along the flanks of the Sangre de Cristo range, heavily spotted with pine and juniper.
    2. The Rough Canyon fire, which was fought by two helicopters and 133 firefighters, consumed 275 acres of mostly Forest Service land. The other fire burned some 350 acres of sagebrush, pinion juniper and grass.
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