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 jumping spider 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Or so everyone thought, until scientists discovered a jumping spider that seems to be a vegetarian.
  2. By a woodland pond, a tiny Grass spider falls prey to a Jumping spider, a more powerful and agile predator.
  3. A New Guinea jumping spider has also leapt into the popularity charts, soaring from a leaf on to the cameraman's lens.
    新几内亚岛(位于太平洋)跳蛛也跃入人气排行榜。 它从一片树叶上高高飞起,落到摄影师的镜头上。

Jumping \Jump"ing\, p. a. & vb. n.
of {Jump}, to leap.

{Jumping bean}, a seed of a Mexican {Euphorbia}, containing
the larva of a moth ({Carpocapsa saltitans}). The larva by
its sudden movements causes the seed to roll to roll and
jump about.

{Jumping deer} (Zo["o]l.), a South African rodent ({Pedetes
Caffer}), allied to the jerboa.

{Jumping louse} (Zo["o]l.), any of the numerous species of
plant lice belonging to the family {Psyllid[ae]}, several
of which are injurious to fruit trees.

{Jumping mouse} (Zo["o]l.), North American mouse ({Zapus
Hudsonius}), having a long tail and large hind legs. It is
noted for its jumping powers. Called also {kangaroo

{Jumping mullet} (Zo["o]l.), gray mullet.

{Jumping shrew} (Zo["o]l.), any African insectivore of the
genus {Macroscelides}. They are allied to the shrews, but
have large hind legs adapted for jumping.

{Jumping spider} (Zo["o]l.), spider of the genus {Salticus}
and other related genera; one of the Saltigrad[ae]; -- so
called because it leaps upon its prey.

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