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 journey ['dʒә:ni]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 旅程, 旅行, 行程

vi. 旅行

vt. 游历

[经] 旅行, 路程, 雇工

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of traveling from one place to another

    2. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. undertake a journey or trip

    2. <verb.motion> travel
    3. travel upon or across

    4. <verb.motion>
      travel the oceans

    Journey \Jour"ney\, n.; pl. {Journeys}. [OE. jornee, journee,
    prop., a day's journey, OF. jorn['e]e, jurn['e]e, a day, a
    day's work of journey, F. journ['e]e, fr. OF. jorn, jurn, jor
    a day, F. jour, fr. L. diurnus. See {Journal}.]
    1. The travel or work of a day. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    We have yet large day, for scarce the sun
    Hath finished half his journey. --Milton.

    2. Travel or passage from one place to another, especially
    one covering a large distance or taking a long time.

    The good man . . . is gone a long journey. --Prov.
    vii. 19.

    3. Hence: [figurative], A passage through life, or a passage
    through any significant experience, or from one state to
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    We must all have the same journey's end. --Bp.

    4. The distance that is traveled in a journey[2], or the time
    taken to complete a journey[2]; as, it's a two-day journey
    from the oasis into Cairo by camel; from Mecca to
    Samarkand is quite a journey.

    Syn: Tour; excursion; trip; expedition; pilgrimage; jaunt.

    Usage: {Journey}, {Tour}, {Excursion}, {Pilgrimage}. The word
    journey suggests the idea of a somewhat prolonged
    traveling for a specific object, leading a person to
    pass directly from one point to another. In a tour, we
    take a roundabout course from place to place, more
    commonly for pleasure, though sometimes on business.
    An excursion is usually a brief tour or trip for
    pleasure, health, etc. In a pilgrimage we travel to a
    place hallowed by our religions affections, or by some
    train of sacred or tender associations. A journey on
    important business; the tour of Europe; an excursion
    to the lakes; a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

    Journey \Jour"ney\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Journeyed}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Journeying}.]
    To travel from place to place; to go from home to a distance.

    Abram journeyed, going on still toward the south.
    --Gen. xii. 9.

    Journey \Jour"ney\, v. t.
    To traverse; to travel over or through. [R.] ``I journeyed
    many a land.'' --Sir W. Scott.

    1. Mr. Lear's own journey took him to the pinnacle of power and success in Hollywood, only to see him retreat for several years.
    2. He also noted that the journey will end at Tahlequah, Okla., the capital of the Cherokee Nation.
    3. Vehicles loaded with food, supplies and even a yellow-and-white Kabul taxi were heading north on the 260-mile journey back to the Soviet border.
    4. But while it's easy to get lost in America, finding missing adults is a journey through frustration and helplessness.
    5. The road now carries travelers on a rugged five-hour journey in the shadow of the Andes' majestic spine, across the barren and cold altiplano and skirting volcanic cones.
    6. On the 55-mile journey from Baghdad south to Babylon, past oil refineries and anti-aircraft batteries, Saddam's portraits appear on almost every building, at gasoline stations and fruit stands.
    7. He's had a strange journey," said Robert Berkeley, a member of the volunteer 12th Massachusetts Regiment and the 2nd Rhode Island Infantry, which re-enact Civil War battles.
    8. "This shows you how the food shortages and the long journey, which in some cases is done on foot, can kill women, children and old people," the statement said.
    9. BT has long suffered from a fortress mentality, in part because it is still making the long journey from state-owned monopoly to private-sector corporation.
    10. Cutting back on fertilizer and killer chemicals to take care of bugs and weeds isn't a step backward at all, and may be the start of a long future journey for American farmers, an Agriculture Department conference was told Monday.
    11. When the 47-day journey is completed, Tony will present a friendship scroll signed by Soviet youngsters to President Bush, who has already agreed to meet him at the end of his journey.
    12. When the 47-day journey is completed, Tony will present a friendship scroll signed by Soviet youngsters to President Bush, who has already agreed to meet him at the end of his journey.
    13. 'Is increasing congestion, and ultimately gridlock, a more attractive option?' he asked. Road pricing would speed up journey times, improve bus services and cut transport costs, he said.
    14. In November, after Murabito was found innocent in the sexual abuse case, his ex-wife disappeared with the children and began an eight-month journey to Loma via an "underground railway" that helps women in such situations.
    15. But delays in the space program combined with grounding of all shuttles after the Challenger disaster kept the 11-ton satellite in its lonely journey around Earth.
    16. The earliest accounts of China Jews go back before the journey of Italian explorer Marco Polo into China in the l3th century, the Jews apparently having gone there from ancient Israel or other parts of the Middle East.
    17. More than 60,000 people have tickets to see Chia Chia, the giant male panda who goes on display today at the zoo, during his three-month stay in a 5,000-mile journey to a breeding program in Mexico.
    18. The flight arrived in London on Thursday night, where passengers spent the night before completing the final leg of thir journey away from the crisis in the Middle East.
    19. But Brent Scowcroft, the president's national security adviser, on Tuesday disputed suggestions that Bush is making the journey before he has a cohesive foreign policy in place.
    20. When the tunnel opens in May, trains from Paris to Calais will travel at 180mph but complete the journey from Dover to London at about 47mph.
    21. She answered the call, and still she wonders if her grandfather would approve of her journey eastward.
    22. Root's plane fell into the ocean near the Bahamas when it ran out of gas after a six-hour journey.
    23. One can but hope his journey 15 years later into the theme park of scribblers will be equally smooth.
    24. The five stations on the new underground section would have provided links with other underground lines. Like the RER network linking the centre of Paris with the suburbs, CrossRail would have provided rapid journey times with fewer stops than the Tube.
    25. The passengers were evacuated by bus to the Grenoble train station and boarded other trains to continue their journey.
    26. Many hide in apartments, warehouses or shelters to avoid the journey back home or the possibility of being caught in a Palestinian commercial strike.
    27. The California gray whales swam off into the sunset Wednesday on what was hoped would be a long journey to their winter home off Baja California.
    28. During their four-day flight, Atlantis' five astronauts are to release the $378 million Magellan spacecraft from the cargo bay, starting it on a 468-day outward journey to Venus.
    29. The Amsco offering, expected to be made in late March, would be a milestone on the return journey of commercial banks into securities underwriting.
    30. They joined a regular train from Belfast to complete the journey when Irish police declared the track free of bombs Sunday afternoon.
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