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 jeopardise ['dʒɛpɚd`aɪz添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使受危险, 危及, 危害

[法] 使受危害, 使陷入危险, 危及

    [ verb ]
    pose a threat to; present a danger to
    <verb.stative> endanger imperil jeopardize menace peril threaten
    The pollution is endangering the crops

    1. So is the plot line of this volume, which concerns the efforts of the human Niall to find the murderers who jeopardise his peace treaty with the planet's dominant race of giant spiders, the so-called arachnids.
    2. This would jeopardise investment and housing expenditure, both of which were crucial for economic recovery, he said. The modest cut disappointed some investors.
    3. A public inquiry is expected by autumn. Nissan fears the centre could block its possible expansion and that traffic would jeopardise just-in-time delivery and production methods.
    4. Such tactics jeopardise the stability of the multilateral trading system and threaten the economic and political interests of the US, as well as of other countries. That, unfortunately, is not the view in Washington.
    5. And he can make a point. He will not jeopardise the safety of his passengers.
    6. It added that although the bank's core earnings are improving due to higher interest rate profit margins, the increasing problems in assets quality could jeopardise the bank's financial performance in the medium term.
    7. Further violence could jeopardise this important source of cash. The new head of state derives his legitimacy for the post as a respected figure in the struggle for independence.
    8. The reason is that neither Vodafone nor Cellnet, owned jointly by BT and Securicor, has an incentive to jeopardise substantial profits by launching a price war.
    9. However, Mr Taylor said such a move could jeopardise the significant coal trade between Australia and Japan and added there was no conclusive evidence that Japanese buyers' practices had been detrimental.
    10. But we won't jeopardise our financial position for the sake of growth,' says O'Neill. Meanwhile, a year through the Quantum Leap process O'Neill is sure that most of the original goals will be met and 'some will be met far sooner than we expected.
    11. The resulting delay could jeopardise its chances of a successful bid. LTA generates about Pounds 23m a year from the sale of poster space in Underground stations and on buses and trains.
    12. Mr Ross left for Washington yesterday. Syria, which Israel blamed for the surge in violence, also called yesterday for the US to discourage an Israeli retaliation. It said such action could jeopardise the next round of peace talks.
    13. If this continues, it may in the end jeopardise the development of the private water sector in central and eastern Europe.
    14. To do so might, however, jeopardise a compromise Mrs Shephard is offering on measures to curb the working week. The European Commission's working-time directive would mean a maximum 48-hour week - a ceiling unacceptable to the UK.
    15. Ministers believe, however, a Labour victory would not jeopardise ratification.
    16. There have been informal signals from the Gatt that a compromise that was technically outside Gatt rules would not jeopardise the Uruguay Round proposals. Bananas and the European Single Market.
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