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 jalap ['dʒæləp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 泻药

[化] 球根牵牛

[医] 药喇叭

    Jalap \Jal"ap\, n. [F., fr. Sp. jalapa; -- so called from
    Jalapa, a town in Mexico, whence it was first obtained.]
    The tubers of the Mexican plant {Ipom[oe]a purga} (or
    {Exogonium purga}) of the family {Convolvulaceae}, a climber
    much like the morning-glory. The abstract, extract, and
    powder, prepared from the tubers, are well known purgative
    (cathartic) medicines, and are also called jalap. Other
    species of {Ipom[oe]a} yield several inferior kinds of jalap,
    as the {Ipom[oe]a Orizabensis}, and {Ipom[oe]a tuberosa}.

    {False jalap}, the root of {Mirabilis Jalapa}, four-o'clock,
    or marvel of Peru.

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