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 italic [ɪ'tælɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 斜体的

n. 斜体字, 斜体

[计] 斜体

    [ noun ]
    1. a style of handwriting with the letters slanting to the right

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a branch of the Indo-European languages of which Latin is the chief representative

    4. <noun.communication>
    5. a typeface with letters slanting upward to the right

    6. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. characterized by slanting characters

    2. <adj.pert>
      italic characters
    3. of or relating to the Italic languages

    4. <adj.pert>
      ancient Italic dialects

    Composite \Com*pos"ite\ (?; 277), a. [L. compositus made up of
    parts, p. p. of componere. See {Compound}, v. t., and cf.
    1. Made up of distinct parts or elements; compounded; as, a
    composite language.

    Happiness, like air and water . . . is composite.

    2. (Arch.) Belonging to a certain order which is composed of
    the Ionic order grafted upon the Corinthian. It is called
    also the {Roman} or the {Italic} order, and is one of the
    five orders recognized by the Italian writers of the
    sixteenth century. See {Capital}.

    3. (Bot.) Belonging to the order {Composit[ae]}; bearing
    involucrate heads of many small florets, as the daisy,
    thistle, and dandelion.

    {Composite carriage}, a railroad car having compartments of
    different classes. [Eng.]

    {Composite number} (Math.), one which can be divided exactly
    by a number exceeding unity, as 6 by 2 or 3..

    {Composite photograph} or {Composite portrait}, one made by a
    combination, or blending, of several distinct photographs.
    --F. Galton.

    {Composite sailing} (Naut.), a combination of parallel and
    great circle sailing.

    {Composite ship}, one with a wooden casing and iron frame.

    Italic \I*tal"ic\, a. [L. Italicus: cf. F. italique. Cf.
    1. Relating to Italy or to its people.

    2. Applied especially to a kind of type in which the letters
    do not stand upright, but slope toward the right; -- so
    called because dedicated to the States of Italy by the
    inventor, Aldus Manutius, about the year 1500.

    {Italic languages}, the group or family of languages of
    ancient Italy.

    {Italic order} (Arch.), the composite order. See {Composite}.

    {Italic school}, a term given to the Pythagorean and Eleatic
    philosophers, from the country where their doctrines were
    first promulgated.

    {Italic version}. See {Itala}.

    Italic \I*tal"ic\, n.; pl. {Italics}. (Print.)
    An Italic letter, character, or type (see {Italic}, a., 2.);
    -- often in the plural; as, the Italics are the author's.
    Italic letters are used to distinguish words for emphasis,
    importance, antithesis, etc. Also, collectively, Italic

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