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 irrevocable [ɪ'rɛvəkəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不能挽回的, 不能取消的, 不能变更的

[经] 不能撤销的, 不能恢复的

    [ adj ]
    incapable of being retracted or revoked
    firm and irrevocable is my doom

    Irrevocable \Ir*rev"o*ca*ble\, a. [L. irrevocabilis: cf. F.
    irr['e]vocable. See {In-} not, and {Revoke}, and cf.
    Incapable of being recalled or revoked; unchangeable;
    irreversible; unalterable; as, an irrevocable promise or
    decree; irrevocable fate.

    Firm and irrevocable is my doom. --Shak.
    -- {Ir*rev"o*ca*ble*ness}, n. -- {Ir*rev"o*ca*bly}, adv.

    1. So when party leader Neil Kinnock spoke of the need for realism, he meant recognizing the irrevocable change wrought by nearly 10 years of Mrs. Thatcher's rigorous brand of conservatism.
    2. In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, the group said that each of its members has executed an irrevocable proxy whereby any two of the members would have the power to vote all the group's shares.
    3. Clients and agencies shouldn't wait for the business climate to recover because the changes "are fundamental and irrevocable.
    4. "The Soviet side has confirmed that the fact of Wallenberg's death is irrevocable and nothing more can be done here," Foreign Ministry official Nikolai Uspensky said.
    5. "Let's inflict an irrevocable defeat on U.S. imperialism and advance the unification of our fatherland," said student leader Im Chong-suk.
    6. Pernod, which claims control over 52.8% of Irish Distillers, arranged for irrevocable acceptance of its offer with several major Irish Distillers holders before the bid was publicly announced.
    7. Pernod said it owns or has irrevocable acceptances for 51.8% of Irish Distillers's shares.
    8. They are "inflexible, irrevocable and complicated," says Peter Katt, a fee-only insurance adviser in West Bloomfield, Mich.
    9. Chrysler said it has already obtained an irrevocable right to 37% of the common shares outstanding from four Electrospace founders and related parties.
    10. Now you may make an irrevocable election on returns that may be favorable or not, but should be considered, says Boston lawyer Forrest Milder.
    11. Grand Met claims to control or have irrevocable undertakings for 33.47% of the company.
    12. As a legal matter, the treaty's termination is irrevocable," she said.
    13. Rite Aid said Woolworth Holdings, a London-based retail concern, also entered into "an irrevocable understanding" to acquire an additional 32.8% stake in Superdrug through a purchase of shares from Superdrug's management.
    14. Mr. Chapman and the other stockholders also have granted irrevocable proxies to vote for the merger.
    15. The central bank guaranteed the bulk of the loans and itself was a recipient of cash from the Kuwaiti bank in return for several irrevocable letters of credit, the suit said.
    16. "You want an irrevocable will on a bird?" exclaimed Judge Aubrey Kaplan.
    17. The figure included 9.98m shares which were the subject of irrevocable undertakings to accept the offer. The offer has been declared unconditional in all respects and remains open for acceptance until further notice.
    18. Major was sorry for the miner's 'anguish', but the commercial argument was compelling and irrevocable. Within 48 hours, ministers would be facing defeat at the hands of their backbenchers.
    19. "She later decided it was a mistake to make the trust irrevocable and told people the only thing her son wanted from her was her money," Tepper told the jury.
    20. Qintex also agreed to deliver an irrevocable letter of credit for $50 million as part of the final agreement.
    21. This would give Dartmoor 52.46 per cent of the shares, but the acceptances are not yet irrevocable. The bid is only for one class of share - income and residual capital - and the warrants.
    22. The president and Congress should consult the best scientific minds in the country before making irrevocable decisions on the issues.
    23. Hoylake has entered into "irrevocable contracts ensuring that Axa Midi will own and control" Farmers, King said.
    24. The gift to the charity is irrevocable, and if a donor later needs to sell the house to pay medical bills or for a move into a nursing home, they will get out of the sale no more than the value of the life estate, Mr. Meyer says.
    25. Mr. Sherwood said the suspension "isn't irrevocable and can be reconsidered at any time."
    26. The officials added that the plan, including the special dividend that is payable Friday, is "irrevocable," barring a court decision to block it.
    27. An irrevocable living trust offers the same advantages of avoiding probate and perhaps saving on estate taxes, but causes problems because it can't be changed, lawyers say.
    28. 'But unless they become permanent and irrevocable, they will not end the conflict.' But Mr Albert Reynolds, the Irish prime minister, appeared more conciliatory.
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