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 invective [ɪn'vɛktɪv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 恶言漫骂, 臭骂

a. 漫骂的, 非难的, 恶言的

    [ noun ]
    abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will

    Invective \In*vec"tive\, a. [L. invectivus: cf. F. invectif. See
    Characterized by invection; critical; denunciatory;
    satirical; abusive; railing.

    Invective \In*vec"tive\, n. [F. invective.]
    An expression which inveighs or rails against a person; a
    severe or violent censure or reproach; something uttered or
    written, intended to cast opprobrium, censure, or reproach on
    another; a harsh or reproachful accusation; -- followed by
    against, having reference to the person or thing affected;
    as, an invective against tyranny.

    The world will be able to judge of his [Junius']
    motives for writing such famous invectives. --Sir W.

    Syn: Abuse; censure; reproach; satire; sarcasm; railing;
    diatribe. See {Abuse}.

    1. The wall absorbed curses and graffiti and the ritualistic invective of visiting presidents and prime ministers.
    2. There is a lot of Irish chitchat, no doubt quite realistic, some routine invective and folk-singing, and several quaintly spun yarns. We realise early on that something nasty must happen on Useless Island to bring matters to a head.
    3. The mayor claimed the headlines with a steady stream of invective against Jackson.
    4. While repeating the anti-South African invective that characterized his exile oratory, Mr. Nujoma also appealed for reconciliation inside Namibia.
    5. Even without the roiling symphonic accompaniment she gave it on the first album, this invective against a faithless lover is one of O'Connor's angriest songs, almost thrilling in its vehemence.
    6. But many say the campaign has been the most invective since the return to democracy after the 1967-74 military dictatorship.
    7. Moscow radio commentator Igor Charikov hurled invective, comparing Mr. Perle to a "certain tropical bird with the ability to imitate people," a metaphor too deep in meaning for us to fathom.
    8. Not even John Osborne gave his leading figures such continuous spleen and invective.
    9. It makes me shake.' The pale face, inches from mine, turned off the torrent of invective and threat like a tap.
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