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 intrauterine [`ɪntrə'jutərɪn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 子宫内的

    [ adj ]
    within the womb

    Intrauterine \In`tra*u"ter*ine\, a.
    Within the uterus or womb; as, intrauterine hemorrhage; an
    intrauterine device.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. Robins's reorganization plan, submitted April 16, would create a $1.75 billion trust for settling the hundreds of thousands of claims filed by women who say they were injured by the company's Dalkon Shield intrauterine contraceptive device.
    2. The jury also found in favor of the other defendant, Ortho Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of the Lippes Loop intrauterine contraceptive.
    3. We all may speculate on the nature of the slip (Freudian?), but in your editorial, what should have been intrauterine appeared as interuterine birth-control devices.
    4. Progesterone-releasing and copper-containing intrauterine devices can provide safe and effective contraception for women in monogamous relationships during their middle or late child-bearing years, a medical study panel finds.
    5. One representative of the victims, Atlanta-based attorney Guerry R. Thornton Jr., said the plan offers the best deal yet for the more than 196,000 women harmed by the intrauterine device.
    6. The plan would establish a trust of nearly $2.5 billion to satisfy claims by women who allege they were injured by using the Dalkon Shield intrauterine birth control device marketed by Robins in the early 1970s.
    7. The justices, over one dissenting vote, on Monday rejected a challenge by about 650 women to the settlement reached with A.H. Robins Co., manufacturer of the intrauterine device.
    8. The verdict supported her claim that a Searle Copper-7 intrauterine birth control device had triggered a pelvic infection that left her infertile.
    9. He allegedly lied about having performed safety tests of the intrauterine contraceptive.
    10. Moreover, the judge has indicated during five days of hearings here that Robins will have to increase substantially its dollar estimate of injuries caused by the intrauterine contraceptive device.
    11. A jury in September found in favor of Esther Kociemba's claim that a Searle Copper-7 intrauterine device had triggered a pelvic infection that left her infertile.
    12. They charge that the trust has made it hard to prove they were injured by the intrauterine device, that it is pressuring them to accept low settlements and that it is penalizing them for challenging the amounts.
    13. The trust is to pay the claims of some 195,000 women who said they were injured by the intrauterine device, which Robins sold in the early 1970s.
    14. Only couples 18 and over, in which the women also are using birth control pills or intrauterine devices, will be accepted, she said.
    15. A New Jersey company began selling a copper intrauterine contraceptive device in the U.S., the first available to American women in more than two years.
    16. Under the $700 million merger agreement, American Home Products would not be obligated for claims from users of the intrauterine device until the final order is entered after appeals.
    17. The Robinses had demanded that the lockup include a provision that would indemnify them against suits related to the Dalkon Shield intrauterine contraceptive device once the court and Robins's creditors approve the merger and reorganization.
    18. The court, over one dissenting vote, rejected a challenge by some 650 of the thousands of women likely to share in a trust fund established by A.H. Robins Co., manufacturer of the intrauterine device.
    19. A federal judge unsealed documents here that show G.D. Searle & Co. may have misled regulators about potential hazards associated with its controversial Copper-7 intrauterine device.
    20. The justices, over one dissenting vote, rejected a challenge by some 650 women to the settlement reached out with A.H. Robins Co., manufacturer of the intrauterine device.
    21. The once widely used Copper-7 intrauterine contraceptive device was back on trial Monday, and plaintiffs' attorneys said they were armed with internal documents never before used against the G.D. Searle & Co. product.
    22. About 195,000 women have pending claims that they suffered injuries such as pelvic infections and infertility because they used the Dalkon Shield, an intrauterine contraceptive that Robins sold in the early 1970s.
    23. The Food and Drug Administration said an initial review indicated that G.D. Searle & Co. did not mislead federal regulators about potential hazards associated with its Copper-7 intrauterine device.
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