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 intraocular [`ɪntrə'ɑkjəlɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 眼内的

    1. Staar said that at least two market research firms have predicted that foldable lens materials will sharply change the intraocular lens market over the next five years.
    2. Chiron Corp. gained 2 3/4 to 70 1/4 after it agreed to acquire Intraoptics Inc., a closely held Boca Raton, Fla., maker of intraocular lenses.
    3. Foldable lenses are an advance over conventional intraocular lenses because they are made of a softer material and can be inserted into the eye with a smaller incision, said Steven Ziemba, vice president of regulatory affairs.
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