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 insurance broker 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 保险偏客(经纪人)

    insurance broker
    [ noun ]
    an agent who sells insurance

    Insurance \In*sur"ance\, n. [From {Insure}.]
    1. The act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage
    by a contingent event; a contract whereby, for a
    stipulated consideration, called premium, one party
    undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss
    by certain specified risks. Cf. {Assurance}, n., 6.

    Note: The person who undertakes to pay in case of loss is
    termed the insurer; the danger against which he
    undertakes, the risk; the person protected, the
    insured; the sum which he pays for the protection, the
    premium; and the contract itself, when reduced to form,
    the policy. --Johnson's Cyc.

    2. The premium paid for insuring property or life.

    3. The sum for which life or property is insured.

    4. A guaranty, security, or pledge; assurance. [Obs.]

    The most acceptable insurance of the divine
    protection. --Mickle.

    5. Hence: Any means of assuring against loss; a precaution;
    as, we always use our seat belts as insurance against

    {Accident insurance}, insurance against pecuniary loss by
    reason of accident to the person.

    {Endowment insurance} or {Endowment assurance}, a combination
    of life insurance and investment such that if the person
    upon whose life a risk is taken dies before a certain
    specified time the insurance becomes due at once, and if
    he survives, it becomes due at the time specified. Also
    called {whole life insurance}.

    {Fire insurance}. See under {Fire}.

    {Insurance broker}, a broker or agent who effects insurance.

    {Insurance company}, a company or corporation whose business
    it is to insure against loss, damage, or death.

    {Insurance policy}, a certificate of insurance; the document
    containing the contract made by an insurance company with
    a person whose property or life is insured.

    {Life insurance}. See under {Life}.

    Broker \Bro"ker\ (br[=o]"k[~e]r), n. [OE. brocour, from a word
    akin to broken, bruken, to use, enjoy, possess, digest, fr.
    AS. br[=u]can to use, enjoy; cf. Fries. broker, F.
    brocanteur. See {Brook}, v. t.]
    1. One who transacts business for another; an agent.

    2. (Law) An agent employed to effect bargains and contracts,
    as a middleman or negotiator, between other persons, for a
    compensation commonly called brokerage. He takes no
    possession, as broker, of the subject matter of the
    negotiation. He generally contracts in the names of those
    who employ him, and not in his own. --Story.

    3. A dealer in money, notes, bills of exchange, etc.

    4. A dealer in secondhand goods. [Eng.]

    5. A pimp or procurer. [Obs.] --Shak.

    {Bill broker}, one who buys and sells notes and bills of

    {Curbstone broker} or {Street broker}, an operator in stocks
    (not a member of the Stock Exchange) who executes orders
    by running from office to office, or by transactions on
    the street. [U.S.]

    {Exchange broker}, one who buys and sells uncurrent money,
    and deals in exchanges relating to money.

    {Insurance broker}, one who is agent in procuring insurance
    on vessels, or against fire.

    {Pawn broker}. See {Pawnbroker}.

    {Real estate broker}, one who buys and sells lands, and
    negotiates loans, etc., upon mortgage.

    {Ship broker}, one who acts as agent in buying and selling
    ships, procuring freight, etc.

    {Stock broker}. See {Stockbroker}.

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