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 instincts ['instiŋkt添加此单词到默认生词本
1Some animals hunt by instinct.有些动物有捕食物的本能.
2⑴Trust your instincts and do what you think is right.凭你的直觉去干你认为正确的事.
⑵Instinct tells ma he will be back!直觉告诉我他会回来的!

    1. After the Danish No vote and the feeble French Yes, the chancellor clearly felt that his political beliefs and instincts had been vindicated. What still has to be vindicated is the chancellor's belief that the UK economy will recover from recession.
    2. Just in case the point is missed, the album promotion even has a slogan: 'Music for your basic instincts'. The Decca campaign is costing the company around Pounds 500,000, for which it expects an entry into the pop charts.
    3. But the president is a man who habitually relies heavily on staff; what's different this time is that his usually keen political instincts didn't bail him out of bad advice.
    4. "Her instincts were wonderfully astute," remembered Ms. Stevens, who is in her 40s.
    5. "We can no longer hold our environmental instincts at bay."
    6. The idea, in principle, is feasible, provided that the U.S. and its prospective Southern partners tame their protectionist instincts in order to make it work.
    7. In an administration skeptical of regulation, Mr. Ruder has demonstrated instincts more typical of the Carter era.
    8. Mr Clarke has been true to his political instincts.
    9. 'This is going to bring out criminal instincts.
    10. But they're obviously fond of each other, call each other Ron and Margaret, and share some basic instincts, like their faith in the free market and a strong defense, and their hatred of socialism.
    11. Once located, the fun began. The skill was to land the worms a foot or so beyond the snout, to see the bait on the gravel, and to wait for the savour to activate the eel's foraging instincts.
    12. Rockoff said as New Jersey investigators explore the range of hate crimes, the common denominator is music that riles the worst instincts.
    13. Its proposals on health, its instincts on education and its meritless minimum wage are the most striking examples.
    14. "His instincts and his collaborative spirit have changed the whole atmosphere of this place," said Poltrack.
    15. In the past, Bank governors have largely confined themselves to private protests in such circumstances. All Mr George's instincts, after 30 years in the Bank, must lie the same way.
    16. It fits his own instincts.
    17. Longtime associates say Ms. Steel's instincts are strong.
    18. That is why the Louvre is a valuable place.' How, I asked him, should one go about looking at such a vast collection as the Louvre's? 'Follow your instincts,' he said.
    19. The moon goes up, it comes down." Within Bush administration councils, Mr. Brady is known for expressing his instincts on issues but not for being able to defend his positions under scrutiny.
    20. He says the instincts of the pragmatic politician led Gorbachev to his attempted reforms at home and to acquiescence in the wave of democratic change that swept Eastern Europe.
    21. Waldrop said she started the project a couple of years ago after hearing a discussion about the influence of marketing research versus business instincts in product decisions.
    22. The desires of the American people meet the instincts of Mr Clinton in the belief that renewal starts at home.
    23. The acquisitive instincts here are the age-old ones of land- and soul-grabbing.
    24. We are so used to having our instincts magnified by commentators, so used to having life edited for us by the fast forward, the rewind, the slow motion replay.
    25. "There are all kinds of grabbing instincts that are part of the political game," he said.
    26. The authoritarian instincts of certain ANC politicians are evident.
    27. I don't think it's the right balance, and I think I tend to have pretty good political instincts." If Joel Brandon spends a lot of time puckering up, it's only natural _ after all, whistling's his work.
    28. They are driven by national habits, instincts, culture and ancestral voices, as well as by calculated interests.
    29. "I can't ever think in terms of an audience; I do it for me. The more you trust your instincts, the more successful you will be. Also, how do I know what a Broadway audience wants?
    30. The crew "reverted almost to survival instincts," Slader said.
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