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 insecticide [in'sektisaid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 杀虫剂

[化] 杀虫剂

[医] 杀昆虫的, 驱昆虫剂

    [ noun ]
    a chemical used to kill insects

    Insecticide \In*sec"ti*cide\, n. [Insect + L. caedere to kill.]
    An agent or preparation for destroying insects; an insect
    powder or spray. -- {In*sec"ti*ci`dal}, a.

    1. Corn crops at two sites in Maryland are to be treated with the company's insecticide and monitored throughout the summer.
    2. Some communities are spraying with insecticide.
    3. He said there also was a possibility that the standard insecticide no longer works as well as it used to.
    4. "We need immediately $300 million to import a minimum amount of fuel, fertilizer, insecticide and other raw materials in order to produce things for export," says a Vietnamese economist in Hanoi.
    5. Dinoseb is a herbicide that also serves as a fungicide and an insecticide.
    6. Malathion is a general insecticide that also kills other insects, such as honeybees and butterflies, said Tom Pliske, an entomologist at Florida International University in Miami.
    7. The agency said it was monitoring the swarms and conducting aerial insecticide spraying where possible.
    8. Before advising a client on developing a new insecticide, the agency wanted to know how people really relate to roaches.
    9. The test would be the first time a genetically altered virus was released as an insecticide in the United States, said Fred Betz, a biologist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
    10. The stick is topped with a lime-green plastic cap covered with insecticide, a feeding stimulant and a chemical called grandlure.
    11. An Indian student killed himself Saturday by eating insecticide, prompting rioters to rampage through the town of Kurukshetra to protest government plans to reserve federal jobs for lower-caste Hindus.
    12. Pine-Sol, which bills about $10 million, will go to Young & Rubicam's San Francisco office; Combat insecticide, which bills about $5 million, will be moved to Omnicom's DDB Needham agency in Chicago.
    13. And one of the glories being claimed is that the homely looking implement uses just one gram of insecticide an acre, 100 times less than usual.
    14. Hard-core addicts are picking up butts in the streets, puffing dried tea leaves or buying tobacco dust that gardeners use as an insecticide, according to the Worker's Tribune newspaper.
    15. The household product company, based in Oakland, Calif., had said earnings would decline because of its $465 million acquisition of the Pine Sol cleaner and Combat insecticide product lines from American Cyanamid Co. last summer.
    16. A few months ago, researchers at the McCann-Erickson ad agency were baffled after interviewing some low-income Southern women about the insecticide brands they used.
    17. When their potato-farming neighbors panicked at a recent government report questioning the safety of aldicarb, a widely used insecticide, the Ihlers weren't surprised.
    18. This insecticide is better known under such trade names as Sevin, Dicarban or SV-10.
    19. Opponents are worried that an insecticide that can ruin the paint on cars if not rinsed off promptly and can harm small animals can also hurt humans.
    20. The insecticide will not be used indiscriminately, but only to spray inside the huts and lean-tos used by miners and settlers, he said.
    21. Lindane is a toxic insecticide used widely by farmers and gardeners.
    22. The larvae were removed from the North Dakota tree _ a descendant of one planted by President John Quincy Adams _ and the tree was sprayed with insecticide.
    23. The compounds were patented in 1983 but insecticide makers had little interest.
    24. Thiodicarb already is being used as a corn rootworm insecticide that is sprayed just before insect infestation, and Berry said it was routinely evaluated as part of research attempts to find materials that are environmentally safer and more effective.
    25. "Ultimately, we want to know whether potato plants could use this genetic weapon to combat Colorado potato beetles with little or no chemical insecticide," he said in a report issued here.
    26. The Environmental Protection Agency said Friday it had begun a special review of the insecticide dichlorvos, which is used in fly-killing pest strips and many other applications.
    27. In the Hindu holy city of Kurukshetra, about 95 miles north of New Delhi, a a 16-year-old high school student died Saturday after eating insecticide.
    28. High winds and heavy seas forced workers to suspend their search Sunday for containers of insecticide and other chemicals lost in the English Channel from an Indonesian ship, authorities said.
    29. I called wheat farmers about what insecticide they were using." Lane did stand-up comedy with a partner.
    30. Chemical tests revealed traces of thallium sulfate, a rat poison and toxic insecticide banned for general use in 1965, in five bottles from which three members of one family drank on Oct. 31.
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