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 ingot mold 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 铸锭模

    Ingot \In"got\, n. [Prob. from AS. in in + ge['o]tan to pour:
    cf. F. linglot, LL. lingotus a mass of gold or silver,
    extended in the manner of a tongue, and G. einguss, LG. & OE.
    ingot ingot, a mold for casting metals in. See {Found} to
    cast, and cf. {Linget}, {Lingot}, {Nugget}.]
    1. That in which metal is cast; a mold. [Obs.]

    And from the fire he took up his matter
    And in the ingot put it with merry cheer. --Chaucer.

    2. A bar or wedge of steel, gold, or other malleable metal,
    cast in a mold; a mass of unwrought cast metal.

    Wrought ingots from Besoara's mine. --Sir W.

    {Ingot mold}, a box or mold in which ingots are cast.

    {Ingot iron}. See {Decarbonized steel}, under {Decarbonize}.

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