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 infiltrate [in'filtreit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使浸润, 使潜入, 使渗入

vi. 渗入

n. 渗透物

[医] 浸润, 浸润的


    Infiltrate \In*fil"trate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Infiltrated}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Infiltrating}.] [Pref. in- + filtrate: cf. F,
    s'infiltrer. Cf. {Infilter}.]
    1. To enter by penetrating the pores or interstices of a
    substance; to filter into or through something.

    The water infiltrates through the porous rock.

    2. To enter secretly (into an organization, territory, etc.)
    for hostile purposes, such as spying or sabotage; as, the
    FBI infiltrated into the U. S. communist party's upper
    echelons; also used transitively; as, to infiltrate the
    opponent's organization; to infiltrate one's agents into a
    hostile country.

    Infiltrate \In*fil"trate\, v. t.
    To penetrate gradually; -- sometimes used reflexively. --J.
    S. Mill.

    1. However, it is still illegal for ANC guerrillas to infiltrate and store weapons.
    2. In a pre-invasion situation, West Germany would be a likely place for Spetsnaz troops to infiltrate NATO armies by impersonating Western units.
    3. Ultra-right activists planned to use the more relaxed border procedures during the weekend to infiltrate East German border towns and demonstrate for reunification, according to officials in the West German city of Fulda.
    4. "We haven't any solid information yet, but it seems the Israelis and the SLA have intercepted a guerrilla party trying to infiltrate into their zone," said the spokesman, who cannot be named under standing regulations.
    5. It said U.S. Green Berets and Navy commandos would infiltrate behind Iraqi lines to disrupt communications.
    6. A dedicated FBI agent, Debra Winger, unwillingly accepts the assignment of trying to infiltrate a Midwestern hate group suspected of the broadcaster's murder.
    7. Defense Minister Kim Beazley rejected suggestions Friedrich used his operation to infiltrate sensitive, intelligence-gathering bases jointly operated with the United States, as well as Australian military installations.
    8. Mr. Morris's friends say he meant for the virus to infiltrate the network without being noticed.
    9. Israeli forces on Monday tracked and shot to death two Palestinian guerrillas who killed an army colonel while trying to infiltrate Israel from southern Lebanon, army officials said.
    10. That of combining Natural Family Planning with methods of artificial contraception, at times because International Planned Parenthood Foundation or similar groups try to infiltrate Catholic associations, and corrupt and pirate N.F.P. methods.
    11. Israeli troops captured four Palestinian guerrillas who tried to infiltrate into northern Israel from Lebanon.
    12. Until Friday, neither she nor South African police would comment on the African National Congress' allegation that she was a spy who had tried to infiltrate the guerrilla movement.
    13. On Thursday, Israeli soldiers opened fire on two men who appeared to be attempting to infiltrate from Jordan about six miles south of the sea.
    14. "The Camorra was trying to infiltrate itself in the operation and I, choosing a company that had worked on other papal trips, ruined their intervention," Tesorone told Corriere della Sera.
    15. It was the second attempt to infiltrate that area in nine days and the 10th cross-border guerrilla operation since November.
    16. The airline says the pilots union has hired pilots to infiltrate the program and encourage other trainees to drop out.
    17. Shamir spoke while touring the border near the Misgav Am collective farm, where guerrillas attempted to infiltrate from Lebanon on Sunday.
    18. Two weeks before the abduction, agents fired a shot at the home of a man they wanted to infiltrate Douce's entourage.
    19. In Italy, prosecutors cannot plea bargain, nor can police infiltrate.
    20. But officials and traders at the Comex, the coffee exchange, the New York Mercantile Exchange and New York Cotton Exchange all are convinced the FBI is trying to infiltrate their markets, just as it did in Chicago three years ago.
    21. It has proven difficult to infiltrate small terrorist cells, which often are held together by family relationships.
    22. Three intelligence operatives said FBI and CIA officials asked them to infiltrate the political organizations of extremist Lyndon LaRouche, a declassified document shows.
    23. The reports said they had been recruited by Taiwan military intelligence or local agents to infiltrate the pro-democracy movement.
    24. Israeli troops stopped a guerrilla squad trying to infiltrate into Israel from Jordan Tuesday and wounded one guerrilla in the firefight, the army said.
    25. Yossi Peled, commander of the northern zone, said 20 Palestinian guerrillas have been killed attempting to infiltrate in the last month.
    26. It began this week to send citizen volunteers out to infiltrate the city's most glitzy watering holes and collect the names of Kuwaitis behaving in an indecorous fashion.
    27. The operatives, Gary Howard and Ron Tucker, are quoted in the same FBI document as saying they and a third man, retired Army Sgt. Maj. Fred Lewis, had been asked by the FBI and the CIA to infiltrate LaRouche organizations.
    28. "When the opportunity to infiltrate a payoff conspiracy developed, Officer White stepped forward.
    29. But waiting for that to happen "has been like waiting for Godot." Computer viruses are mischievious programs that infiltrate hard disk drives and can destroy or damage programs and files.
    30. Outgunned by the 70,000-man Sandinista army, the Contras have failed repeatedly to infiltrate their forces into Nicaragua in any major way.
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