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 inextricable [ɪn'ɛkstrɪkəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 逃脱不掉的, 解不开的, 无法解决的

    [ adj ]
    not permitting extrication; incapable of being disentangled or untied
    an inextricable knotinextricable unity

    Inextricable \In*ex"tri*ca*ble\, a. [L. inextricabilis: cf. F.
    inextricable. See {In-} not, and {Extricate}.]
    1. Incapable of being extricated, untied, or disentangled;
    hopelessly intricate, confused, or obscure; as, an
    inextricable knot or difficulty; inextricable confusion.

    Lost in the wild, inextricable maze. --Blackmore.

    2. Inevitable. [R.] ``Fate inextricable.'' --Milton.

    1. The Israeli prime minister has said an international conference would lead to other countries ganging up on Israel and forcing it to yield land which Shamir's right-wing Likud Bloc maintains is an inextricable part of Israel.
    2. Shamir rejected the proposal, although his Likud bloc believes the area is an inextricable part of the historic land of Israel.
    3. Tehiya and Shamir's right-wing Likud bloc both believe the West Bank to be inextricable parts of the historic land of Israel.
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