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 induct [ɪn'dʌkt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 引导, 使入门, 引入, 使就职


    Induct \In*duct"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Inducted}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Inducting}.] [L. inductus, p. p. of inducere. See
    1. To bring in; to introduce; to usher in.

    The independent orator inducting himself without
    further ceremony into the pulpit. --Sir W.

    2. To introduce, as to a benefice or office; to put in actual
    possession of the temporal rights of an ecclesiastical
    living, or of any other office, with the customary forms
    and ceremonies.

    The prior, when inducted into that dignity, took an
    oath not to alienate any of their lands. --Bp.

    1. The Hall of Fame Foundation's crack nominating committee was determined to induct 15 rock 'n' roll performers this year.
    2. "I had long ago decided to induct professor Rabbani to this post, but due to certain problems, the decision was implemented now," Mojaddidi told Midia.
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