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 inclusion [ɪn'kluʒən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 包含, 内含物

[计] 蕴含

[化] 夹杂; 夹杂物; 夹渣

[医] 包涵物, 包涵, 包埋

    [ noun ]
    1. the state of being included

    2. <noun.state>
    3. the relation of comprising something

    4. <noun.linkdef>
      he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work
    5. any small intracellular body found within another (characteristic of certain diseases)

    6. <noun.object>
      an inclusion in the cytoplasm of the cell
    7. the act of including

    8. <noun.act>

    Inclusion \In*clu"sion\, n. [L. inclusio: cf. F. inclusion. See
    1. The act of including, or the state of being included;
    limitation; restriction; as, the lines of inclusion of his
    policy. --Sir W. Temple.

    2. Something that is included.

    3. (Min.) A foreign substance, either liquid or solid,
    usually of minute size, inclosed in the mass of a mineral.

    4. (Biol., Cytology) A small body suspended within the
    cytoplasm of a cell.

    5. (Logic, Math.) The relationship existing between two sets
    if one is a subset of the other.

    1. Shamir's proposal would apparently permit the inclusion of Palestinians who are formally registered as residents of the West Bank or Gaza Strip but who also maintain residence in Jerusalem.
    2. Other recommendations included: _The inclusion of the historical experiences of women, racial and ethnic minorities in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe in all curricula.
    3. The Colombian chairmanship had introduced the item too late for inclusion in the statement. There has been growing pressure among industrialised nations for aid to developing countries to be made conditional on low military spending.
    4. The group benefited from the inclusion of the US ducting company Flexible Technologies, which it bought for Pounds 33.3m at the end of the previous year.
    5. Some members say many of the 400 local chapters are under pressure to allow men to join, partly because of the recent inclusion of women in formerly all-male clubs such as Rotary.
    6. The inclusion of BNP may prepare it to be a core shareholder in other privatised groups. 'This is pretty much the cream of the state sector,' said one merchant banker in Paris.
    7. The shares closed 1p up at 197p. The hosiery division benefited by Pounds 3m at the operating level due to the inclusion of Cogetex in France and Aznar.
    8. But the impact of inclusion in a museum show can also be extremely significant on the works of obscure artists and contemporary artists, exactly the works fledgling collectors can afford.
    9. The inclusion of the internationally prestigious prince, Phnom Penh believes, would bestow legitimacy on the government and undermine the Khmer Rouge.
    10. First, the inclusion of Britain in the North American agreement would enhance the economic position of all three countries.
    11. This means investors will be able to put up to a quarter (Pounds 1,500 at present) of each tax year's subscription limit in MWMT shares for inclusion in a general Pep.
    12. Volume on the NYSE through July remained 8 percent off the 1987 average, and the drop would have been even sharper without inclusion of volume-inflating strategies in which stocks are traded to capture quarterly dividends, he said.
    13. Securities companies have unsuccessfully sought inclusion in the bill of a definition of insider trading so firms would know when the law was being broken.
    14. The Robinses, who were demanding the inclusion of a supplemental agreement that would protect them from personal injury suits after the merger agreement, changed their position, according to an attorney for Rorer.
    15. Mr. Mosbacher, who is changing hats to run the Bush re-election effort, asks us to believe the White House didn't understand that inclusion of the auto chiefs would put a protectionist spin on the trip.
    16. Mr. D'Souza outlines an "ideal" multicultural "great books" reading list, making a good case for their inclusion in an expanded canon.
    17. Figures on new stock issues are sometimes distorted by inclusion of closed-end stock funds, which may invest in bonds, or stocks of a particular foreign nation.
    18. A Green Party is petitioning for inclusion on state ballots.
    19. UNIVERSAL COVERAGE: The bottom line of the original Clinton plan was health cover for all Americans, the only exceptions being specific social or religious groups with objections to inclusion.
    20. The Akron-based company attributed the lower profit to higher taxes on foreign earnings and a first-time inclusion of pipeline expenses.
    21. Among the current grant programs listed for possible inclusion are $5.2 billion to assist states in administering welfare programs, $490 million to help local police in anti-drug efforts, and $3.2 billion in Community Development Block Grants.
    22. However, growth in sales was due to the first-time inclusion of the US Sylvania lighting business. Osram's turnover jumped 71 per cent to DM2.9bn.
    23. With the inclusion of exceptional credits John Foster & Son, the specialist textile group, made substantial inroads into its losses in the year to February 28. Trading conditions remained depressed, with the resultant intense competition for business.
    24. Mitterrand urged the eventual inclusion in the European Community of East Bloc nations that have abandoned authoritarian Communist systems.
    25. But in 1982, the parties reached an impasse over inclusion of that same clause in a new contract.
    26. Expansion of the Journal's pagination system to permit inclusion of more late-breaking news in the paper.
    27. But S&P said earnings were only average with the inclusion of pension costs.
    28. Gorbachev had voiced disappointment in Moscow that the talks did not move further, lamenting "missed opportunities." Among other things, the two sides failed to narrow differences over the inclusion of sea-launched cruise missiles in such a treaty.
    29. Despite inclusion of the Persian Gulf operations in the last two months of the fiscal 1990 budget, Defense Department spending was $500 million less than the administration's July forecast of $290.2 billion.
    30. The inclusion of Bolivia and Paraguay was expected to be announced Friday.
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