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 in-between [`ɪnbɪ'twin添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 中间的

n. 中间物, 中间人, 中间存在者

    [ adj ]
    being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series
    adolescence is an awkward in-between agein a mediate position
    the middle point on a line

    in-between \in-between\ adj.
    being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series or
    time sequence; as, adolescence is an awkward in-between age.

    Syn: mediate, middle.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. "The bottom line is we are all Nicaraguans," he said. "Back in Nicaragua, there was no in-between.
    2. Kuala Lumpur (always referred to as KL by locals) is an in-between city. Visitors who come south from Bangkok are relieved to arrive in a less congested, greener city.
    3. Take medical advice first if you suffer from claustrophobia. Terminals One and Three are in-between, but have a distinct Terminal Two tendency at busy times. Getting to the airport is never quite satisfactory.
    4. Mr Paul Brunker of Robert Fleming also opposes any in-between measures.
    5. I try to work my way in-between them." There are hundreds of such cars in the nation's capital. They are big, dark-colored and American built.
    6. "The script doesn't deal with good and bad but shades of gray in-between.
    7. The allegation against pre-1980 Fords is that in some models the design makes it too easy for drivers to shift into this in-between spot, while in others, the transmission too easily slips into reverse if such an error is made.
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