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 in proportion 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Proportion \Pro*por"tion\, n. [F., fr. L. proportio; pro before
    + portio part or share. See {Portion}.]
    1. The relation or adaptation of one portion to another, or
    to the whole, as respect magnitude, quantity, or degree;
    comparative relation; ratio; as, the proportion of the
    parts of a building, or of the body.

    The image of Christ, made after his own proportion.

    Formed in the best proportions of her sex. --Sir W.

    Documents are authentic and facts are true precisely
    in proportion to the support which they afford to
    his theory. --Macaulay.

    2. Harmonic relation between parts, or between different
    things of the same kind; symmetrical arrangement or
    adjustment; symmetry; as, to be out of proportion. ``Let
    us prophesy according to the proportion of faith.'' --Rom.
    xii. 6.

    3. The portion one receives when a whole is distributed by a
    rule or principle; equal or proper share; lot.

    Let the women . . . do the same things in their
    proportions and capacities. --Jer. Taylor.

    4. A part considered comparatively; a share.

    5. (Math.)
    (a) The equality or similarity of ratios, especially of
    geometrical ratios; or a relation among quantities
    such that the quotient of the first divided by the
    second is equal to that of the third divided by the
    fourth; -- called also {geometrical proportion}, in
    distinction from arithmetical proportion, or that in
    which the difference of the first and second is equal
    to the difference of the third and fourth.

    Note: Proportion in the mathematical sense differs from
    ratio. Ratio is the relation of two quantities of the
    same kind, as the ratio of 5 to 10, or the ratio of 8
    to 16. Proportion is the sameness or likeness of two
    such relations. Thus, 5 to 10 as 8 to 16; that is, 5
    bears the same relation to 10 as 8 does to 16. Hence,
    such numbers are said to be in proportion. Proportion
    is expressed by symbols thus:
    a:b::c:d, or a:b = c:d, or a/b = c/d.
    (b) The rule of three, in arithmetic, in which the three
    given terms, together with the one sought, are

    {Continued proportion}, {Inverse proportion}, etc. See under
    {Continued}, {Inverse}, etc.

    {Harmonical proportion} or {Musical proportion}, a relation
    of three or four quantities, such that the first is to the
    last as the difference between the first two is to the
    difference between the last two; thus, 2, 3, 6, are in
    harmonical proportion; for 2 is to 6 as 1 to 3. Thus, 24,
    16, 12, 9, are harmonical, for 24:9::8:3.

    {In proportion}, according as; to the degree that. ``In
    proportion as they are metaphysically true, they are
    morally and politically false.'' --Burke.

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