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 impoverished [im'pɔvəriʃt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 贫困的,赤贫的

  1. An impoverished person; a pauper.
  2. Our lives would have been greatly impoverished, if we had not known our dear friend.

[ adj ]
  1. poor enough to need help from others

  2. <adj.all>
  3. destroyed financially

  4. <adj.all>
    the broken fortunes of the family

Impoverish \Im*pov"er*ish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Impoverished};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Impoverishing}.] [OF. empovrir; pref. em-
(L. in) + povre poor, F. pauvre; cf. OF. apovrir, F.
appauvrir, where the prefix is a-, L. ad. Cf. {Empoverish},
and see {Poor}, and {-ish}.]
1. To make poor; to reduce to poverty or indigence; as,
misfortune and disease impoverish families.

2. To exhaust the strength, richness, or fertility of; to
make sterile; as, to impoverish land.

  1. Nearly a million foreigners - many of them citizens of impoverished Asian countries - had come for the same reason.
  2. The impoverished northeast was once the stronghold of the Communists, who fielded about 12,000 fighters at the peak of power in the late 1970s.
  3. The impoverished countryside around Ayacucho was the birthplace eight years of the Mao-inspired Shining Path insurgency.
  4. Saddam Hussein is craftily trying to portray himself not as the invader of Kuwait but as a kind of Arab Robin Hood, promising to take petrodollars away from a few wealthy sheiks and restore them to the impoverished Arab masses.
  5. President Bush's veto of a bill to provide abortion assistance to impoverished victims of rape and incest was sustained in the House on Wednesday as a 231-191 vote to override him fell 51 votes short of the necessary two-thirds margin.
  6. Grey apartments gave way to flattish countryside and impoverished villages with a good sprinkling of half-timbering.
  7. ANC leaders also must find ways to satsify the needs and aspirations of millions of impoverished blacks in South Africa, where blacks outnumber whites more than 5 to 1.
  8. They were last set for Nov. 4, but the Electoral Council had to drop that date because the impoverished government couldn't provide the money to organize the voting.
  9. But when her impoverished family couldn't even provide a bathtub, and a school counselor complained she was dirty, she made the swim team so she could get a daily shower.
  10. In many respects parts of the Delta are like the impoverished Third World nations of Asia, Africa or South America.
  11. The government says more than 10,000 people have died since the Shining Path launched its insurgency from the impoverished Ayacucho highlands eight years ago.
  12. About $54 billion, three times the gross national product of impoverished Bangladesh, was spent in the United States last year on health care, job absenteeism and other consequences of drug abuse.
  13. He said the impoverished Turkish Cypriot community had the most to gain from a solution.
  14. The impoverished South American country of 6.7 million produces an estimated one third of the cocaine that reaches the United States and Europe.
  15. Alexandre Jose Maria dos Santos, 64, the first Cardinal of Marxist-ruled Mozambique, where he has been at the forefront of aid to his impoverished country.
  16. But, unfortunately for the impoverished city, it is not the worst parking fine offender by a long chalk.
  17. If you became impoverished, Medicaid would be required to pay the premium and your co-pay.
  18. "That's why I'm here," Kemp answered. "I want to find some answers to the problem of homelessness." Kemp's Philadelphia tour began Thursday night at Women of Hope, a permanent shelter for impoverished women.
  19. Bolivia, an impoverished country of 6.7 million in the heart of South America, produces an estimated one third of the cocaine that reaches U.S. and European markets, the DEA says.
  20. Inundating three-fourths of this impoverished nation, floodwaters have claimed at least 406 lives this summer, according to official figures.
  21. The story details the life and hard times of Cass McKay, a teenager from a West Texas family so impoverished that Cass dreams of becoming a hobo.
  22. The United States suspended $78 million in aid to the government of the impoverished Caribbean nation in November 1987 to protest a massacre that disrupted elections.
  23. Prosper Avril, the army's chief administrative officer, went on national television Sunday and declared himself president of the Western hemisphere's most impoverished nation.
  24. The pope called on the Lancia workers to show solidarity with immigrants, who have been streaming into Italy by the thousands in recent years from northern Africa and other impoverished areas.
  25. Considering the limited expectations of Aweil's children, that makes the orphans of the feeding center luckier than many of their famished and impoverished fellows, at least for now.
  26. The radio reported that the resistance may have been prompted by reports that some of the Chi Ma Wan inmates may be in the next group of boat people forced to return to their impoverished homeland.
  27. Unlike his remote predecessors in Nepal, Harvard-educated King Birendra criss-crosses his mountainous nation and has set a goal of fulfilling the basic needs of an impoverished populace by the year 2000.
  28. Now it's all free enterprise, and the private sector." Superblock Seven was planned as a suburb of state-subsidized housing south of Bogota for the masses of impoverished Colombians crowding into the city.
  29. Sources said four military officers had tried to overthrow Avril, who assumed power six months ago in this impoverished Caribbean country's second coup in less than a year.
  30. To the contrary, the Decade of the Child will help impoverished children and their parents to become independent and productive citizens.
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