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 illuminate [i'lju:mineit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 照明, 用灯装饰, 阐明, 说明, 使灿烂

vi. 照亮, 用灯装饰

[电] 照亮


    Illuminate \Il*lu"mi*nate\, v. i.
    To light up in token or rejoicing.

    Illuminate \Il*lu"mi*nate\, a. [L. illuminatus, p. p.]
    Enlightened. --Bp. Hall.

    Illuminate \Il*lu"mi*nate\, n.
    One who is enlightened; esp., a pretender to extraordinary
    light and knowledge.

    Illuminate \Il*lu"mi*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Illuminated};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Illuminating}.] [L. illuminatus, p. p. of
    illuminare; pref. il- in + luminare to enlighten, fr. lumen
    light. See {Luminous}, and cf. {Illume}, {Illumine},
    {Enlimn}, {Limn}.]
    1. To make light; to throw light on; to supply with light,
    literally or figuratively; to brighten.

    2. To light up; to decorate with artificial lights, as a
    building or city, in token of rejoicing or respect.

    3. To adorn, as a book or page with borders, initial letters,
    or miniature pictures in colors and gold, as was done in
    manuscripts of the Middle Ages.

    4. To make plain or clear; to dispel the obscurity to by
    knowledge or reason; to explain; to elucidate; as, to
    illuminate a text, a problem, or a duty.

    1. It will be lighted in a ceremony using the same button Reagan used as president to illuminate the refurbished Statue of Liberty in 1986.
    2. Since Mr. Greenfeld has not had access to Mr. Barnes's papers, or indeed to the archives of the foundation, it is no wonder that he is not in a position to illuminate the history of either the man or his work.
    3. The cloud cannot be seen normally, but an exploding star would provide a burst of light, rather like a flashbulb, to illuminate the distant wisp of matter.
    4. In both sets, the musicians swing easy, gently illuminate ballads, and play with attention to how they sound.
    5. Traditional literary critics believe that certain brilliant authors have created books that illuminate the human qualities, emotions and truths that are innate in all people across culture or the historical moment.
    6. I might somehow be able to illuminate for her the darkness that had come to fill her days." From the beginning, "Cruel Doubt" reads like an elaborate apologia for the true crime genre Mr. McGinniss has employed with such success.
    7. Although many view the pope as an arch-conservative, a stop in Monterey, just down the coast, will illuminate his liberal side.
    8. This approach is said to be prudent, but it is little more than a surrender to ignorance, which could be expensive and dangerous. All of which makes any attempt to illuminate the subject in a calm and considered way most welcome.
    9. So studying the receptor may illuminate brain function in those tasks, Stevens said.
    10. This is a superbly produced little book, with excellent maps in colour, which illuminate every aspect of the operation from the planning to the armada, from the landings to the bridgehead, right through to the end of the Normandy campaign 10 weeks later.
    11. Interviews with Nixon historians and biographers cannot illuminate the labyrinth of Nixon's character.
    12. May God illuminate the way to do that," Alfonsin said during a 35-minute speech to a packed, special session of Congress.
    13. Yergin and Gustafson illuminate present imponderables by taking on the internally contradictory nature of post-Soviet Russia.
    14. Viviana Durante can spin through Titania's steps with the best, but the role lacks radiance and that wilful sensuality to illuminate the last duet.
    15. Josette Simon, a black actress from Leicester in the English Midlands, plays Quentin's doomed wife, Maggie, in a casting coup that she and Blakemore hope will freshly illuminate the play.
    16. It's left to the actor to illuminate Fitzgerald's character.
    17. As a gala wind-up on July 15, a special sound-and-light display created for Paris by Jean-Paul Goud will illuminate the City of Lights.
    18. Some even include fiberoptic tubes to illuminate teeth in the otherwise dark cavern of the mouth.
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