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 ideally [aɪ'diəlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 完美地, 理想地

    [ adv ]
    in an ideal manner
    ideally, this will remove all problems

    Ideally \I*de"al*ly\, adv.
    In an ideal manner; by means of ideals; mentally.

    1. If not framed and displayed away from direct sunlight, they are ideally kept singly in acid-free envelopes in a dry, dark, relatively cool place.
    2. And ideally, exchange-rate reform to preserve the dollar at purchasing power parity with other currencies.
    3. Under Soviet power, Georgians have thrived economically because the area's warm climate is ideally suited for resorts and growing the fruits and vegetables that are scarce elsewhere in the country.
    4. His flagship sponsorships are events that cover the nation, ideally reaching into the more obscure and neglected corners, and involving consumers who have never before tried the arts.
    5. Peck is ideally suited to fill this position and his presence will prevent delay in the review of potential AIDS treatments."
    6. "Her breathy, husky sound and narrow vibrato," the New Grove Dictionary of Jazz noted, "were ideally suited to the cool jazz of the 1950s." Miss Christy married Cooper in 1947, two years after she joined the big band.
    7. The score, assembled from Schoenberg piano works, is ideally resonant.
    8. Terry John Bates' choreography is wholly worthy of the show (which was originally directed and choreographed by Jerome Robbins); little June's high kicks are ideally ludicrous and musical.
    9. Mr Jhunjhunwala says: 'We must accept the fact that certain products like cement and fertiliser should ideally be packed in synthetic bags and not in jute bags.
    10. Such initiative ideally should be supported by a number of Western governments.
    11. Shares placed in a child's name should, ideally, not produce income, since this is taxed at the donor's rate.
    12. But Kola made clear that ideally he would like to consider his homeland an option as well.
    13. Filmmakers attribute the growing interest in Venezuela in part to the never-ending quest by directors for something unique and untouched _ something that, ideally, no other director has used before.
    14. 'We would like them to be from different areas and ideally to include an industrial company.' In terms of the day-to-day running of the business, however, the company believes life after privatisation will remain fairly constant.
    15. Said, himself both an intellectual and a Palestinian who lives in the US, seems ideally placed to judge.
    16. Brous & Co.'s Mr. Rosencrans says that, when the city's upturn does occur, Central is "ideally positioned to benefit." Central's damped advertising revenue has been partially offset by lower costs for newsprint.
    17. Outside auditors ideally are supposed to pass judgment on clients' business decisions and avoid making business decisions for clients.
    18. That leaves La Tienda ideally situated.
    19. And it was customary to effect such leases only on certain days, ideally the third day of a waxing moon.
    20. School leavers will ideally be going into full-time employment, so cheap credit should be less important to them.
    21. Men, ideally, marry in their late 20s, but as many as 70% of unattached men in Japan have no more than two female acquaintances, according to a recent government survey.
    22. He inherits a company with three mills that are ideally positioned in the heart of the nation's auto and appliance markets for flat-rolled steel, National Steel's product.
    23. Individuals needing specific recommendations would do best to consult an independent (and ideally fee-charging) adviser, but here are some suggestions: Low risk Tessas offer tax-free income if held for five years.
    24. In any event, we doubt that these men or anyone is ever ideally prepared to assume the American presidency.
    25. He sees it as an opportunity to attract two industries "ideally suited" to the lagoon city _ film and fashion.
    26. But, he added, "if the present trends continue, they would become more and more integrated." "I think ideally we would live in a world where schools, churches and neighborhoods would all be integrated.
    27. The commission had to recognise, he said, that some changes it would ideally like to see remained unacceptable to the government.
    28. But Mr. Downey says the fund ideally would like to increase the high-yield allocation to about 25% of assets.
    29. Both fodder crops need hot summers and plenty of irrigation in order to produce the most economic yields and the best quality for the promotion of milk-production. But the Po Valley is ideally situated.
    30. The office can take calls to help those wondering what to include in a letter. Taxpayers should provide the name of the Revenue office involved, and ideally their tax reference and National Insurance number.
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