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 hypothetically [ˌhaipəu'θetikəli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 假设地, 假想地

    [ adv ]
    by hypothesis

    Hypothetic \Hy`po*thet"ic\, Hypothetical \Hy`po*thet"ic*al\, a.
    [L. hypotheticus, Gr. ?: cf. F. hypoth['e]tique.]
    Characterized by, or of the nature of, an hypothesis;
    conditional; assumed without proof, for the purpose of
    reasoning and deducing proof, or of accounting for some fact
    or phenomenon.

    Causes hypothetical at least, if not real, for the
    various phenomena of the existence of which our
    experience informs us. --Sir W.

    {Hypothetical baptism} (Ch. of Eng.), baptism administered to
    persons in respect to whom it is doubtful whether they
    have or have not been baptized before. --Hook. --
    {Hy`po*thet"ic*al*ly}, adv. --South.

    1. He said he had been speaking hypothetically and did not believe that the peace process would fail. Mr Hume said last night that he was 'absolutely certain that the Provisional IRA has totally ended its campaign.
    2. Soviet officials said Mr. Gorbachev was speaking hypothetically.
    3. One bank wouldn't even hypothetically discuss contracting out operations lest it "scare people."
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